原创 Vim多行縮進及高級命令

原文地址: http://blog.csdn.net/topasstem8/article/details/6678215  Vim多行縮進技巧 1.按v進入visual狀態,選擇多行,用>或<縮進或縮出  2. 通常根據語言特徵使用自動

原创 GPAC/MP4Box: muxing .265 to .mp4 - problems and possible causes

I encountered a problem when muxing audio and video streams into .mp4 using GPAC MP4Box, the command is like this: MP4B

原创 grep a string which contains whitespaces

suppose we want to find string "ret is" in the current dir and all sub-dirs, the grep command could like this 1) put th

原创 git rebase: 將多次commit合併爲一次

git rebase簡介(高級篇)  http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-27714502-id-3436706.html

原创 [vim] vim + ctags for "go to definition"

1) go to project dir, type  ctags -R  which creates tags for files recursively (for sub-dirs) 2) still in project dir (

原创 [ffmpeg] play YUV with ffmpeg/ffplay

play raw video (YUV420 in this case): ffplay -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -video_size 1280x720 input_video.yuv , or alt

原创 windows error "the application was unable to start correctly (0x000007b)"

I run a simple Win32 Console application but encountered the following error: "The application was unable to start cor

原创 git delete remote branches

git push origin :branch-name冒號前面的空格不能少,原理是把一個空分支push到server上,相當於刪除該分支。

原创 Combining multiple commits into one commit using git rebase


原创 extract audio track/stream from mp4

If we have known that the audio track in the mp4 file is .mp3, we can use the following commands to extract the .mp3 wi

原创 [ffmpeg] clip video & audio

get a clip from the whole movie, such as, i just need 20 seconds: from 00:00:30 to 00:00:50 ffmpeg -i input.mkv -acodec

原创 關於編譯器的一些入門級文章

編譯器是如何工作的 http://blog.jobbole.com/53222/ 編譯器的編譯基本過程 http://blog.jobbole.com/53152/ 點贊 收藏 分享 文章舉報

原创 [ffmpeg] ffmpeg encode raw audio (pcm) into other formats (mp3, aac, wav, etc)

input raw audio info: sample rate: 44.1k sample format: 16bit signed integer, little endian channel numbers: 2 encodin

原创 gcc warning: enum declared inside parameter list

to fix this warning, add an enum declaration before you using the enum type in parameter list. such as,  enum EnumType

原创 《大教堂與集市》

好的軟件作品,往往源自於開發者的個人需要。 按說這是顯而易見的(正如老話說“需要是發明之母”),但太多的軟件開發人員並不需要也不熱愛他們正在開發的軟件,他們把編程當差事,爲的只是拿薪酬。 優秀的程序員知道寫什麼,卓越的程序員知道改