原创 OpenCV Tutorials Optical Flow

Goal In this chapter, We will understand the concepts of optical flow and its estimation using Lucas-Kanade method. We

原创 Learn OpenCV Deep Learning based Text Detection Using OpenCV (C++/Python)

There is a common saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words“. In this post, we are going to take that literally and

原创 Learn OpenCV Gender & Age Classification using OpenCV Deep Learning ( C++/Python )

In this tutorial, we will discuss an interesting application of Deep Learning applied to faces. We will estimate the ag

原创 Learn OpenCV Video Stabilization Using Point Feature Matching in OpenCV

In this post, we will learn how to implement a simple Video Stabilizer using a technique called Point Feature Matching

原创 Windows CreateThread function

Creates a thread to execute within the virtual address space of the calling process. To create a thread that runs in th

原创 Windows Using Mutex Objects

You can use a mutex object to protect a shared resource from simultaneous access by multiple threads or processes. Each

原创 opencv中facedetect例子淺析

detectMultiScale函數詳解 cvHaarDetectObjects是opencv1中的函數,opencv2中人臉檢測使用的是 detectMultiScale函數。它可以檢測出圖片中所有的人臉,並將人臉用vector保

原创 Windows Using Condition Variables

The following code implements a producer/consumer queue. The queue is represented as a bounded circular buffer, and is

原创 OpenGL文字顯示

線貼一個簡單可用的opengl文字顯示調用函數 opengl文字顯示大致三步: 1,創建字體 2,輸出打印 3,刪除字體 1,創建字體的函數: /* * BuildFont * 創建位圖字體 */ GLvoid

原创 OpenGL三維座標顯示

1、網格建立函數 void CMyStatic::GLGrid(coordpoint& pt1, coordpoint& pt2,int num) { const float _xLen = (pt2.x -pt1.x) / num

原创 c++獲取屏幕大小

以下兩個函數獲取的是顯示屏幕的大小,不包括任務欄等區域 int screenwidth=GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFULLSCREEN); int screenheight=GetSystemMetrics(SM_C

原创 實現opengl截取窗口圖像到內存,然後用cv處理

目前想實現opengl截取窗口圖像到內存,然後用cv處理,所以需要用cv從內存把圖像再取出來。可是一直是灰色的,代碼稍作改動後會變成黑色加亂碼 直接

原创 fstream讀到文件尾,如何返回文件頭

C++ I/O系統管理兩個與一個文件相聯繫的指針。一個是讀指針,它說明輸入操作在文件中的位置;另一個是寫指針,它下次寫操作的位置。每次執行輸入或輸出時,相應的指針自動變化。所以,C++的文件定位分爲讀位置和寫位置的定位,對應的成員函數是 

原创 Windows Using Semaphore Objects

The following example uses a semaphore object to limit the number of threads that can perform a particular task. First,

原创 OpenGL場景截取後存儲(BMP圖片)

變量聲明部分 GLenum lastBuffer_OpenGLShot; GLbyte* pBits_OpenGLShot = 0; // 圖像數據 unsigned long ImageSize_OpenGLShot; in