原创 Java字符串駐留池

轉自: http://hilary3113.iteye.com/blog/1490223 http://blog.csdn.net/flyjimi/article/details/2645063 看例子: 例子A:    String

原创 Quick Sort

很有意思的而文章,轉自:http://www.cnblogs.com/morewindows/archive/2011/08/13/2137415.html 快速排序由於排序效率在同爲O(N*logN)的幾種排序方法中效率較高,因此經

原创 OSI七層網絡模型中的責任和設備

OSI七層網絡模型由下至上爲1至7層,分別爲物理層(Physical layer),數據鏈路層(Data link layer),網絡層(Netwo

原创 Monitoring Cloud Foundry On System Level

NOTE: This is a summary of my previous work on Cloud Foundry monitoring system based on BOSH. There are two levels for

原创 編程珠璣 Chapter2 字符串翻轉算法

沒辦法,久沒練過算法,只好用Java寫了。 題目很簡單: Q: abcdefg, r=3 A: defgabc 代碼一:藉助StringBuffer的append來做。即一部分一部分來求逆,然後再“拼接”起來求逆。 public cl

原创 Blue-Green Deployments on Cloud Foundry (利用CloudFoundry實現藍綠髮布)

原文地址:http://www.mattstine.com/2013/07/10/blue-green-deployments-on-cloudfoundry/ We’ll begin with a basic Spring appl

原创 Event Loop

Event Loop 是一個很重要的概念,指的是計算機系統的一種運行機制。   JavaScript語言就採用這種機制,來解決單線程運行帶來的一些問題。   本文參考C. Aaron Cois的《Understanding Th

原创 探祕fstab文件裏面特殊分區

原文地址:http://linuxguest.blog.51cto.com/195664/522621 估計大家平時對/etc/fstab文件已經很熟悉了,在啓動流程中,緊接着/etc/rc.sysini

原创 Flynn Architecture Note

Flynn Architecture The Flynn architecture is designed to be simple and understandable. Most of the components of Flyn

原创 最終一致性

英文原文:Eventually Consistent, Revisited 在世界範圍構建可靠的分佈式系統往往要求在一致性和可用性之間進行權衡。上個月,亞馬遜公司的CTO Werner Vogels發表了一篇文章,描述在大型分佈式系

原创 Understanding Disk I/O - when should you be worried?

Our co-author today is Christian Paredes, Senior System Administrator atBlue Box Group, a Ruby on Rails-focused we

原创 Go中的make和new

自:http://www.cnblogs.com/ghj1976/archive/2013/02/12/2910384.html 1、make用於內建類型(map、slice 和channel)的內存分配。new用於各種類型的內存分配

原创 The git rebase Command

Rebasing is the process of moving a branch to a new base commit. The general process can be visualized as the follow

原创 Sublime配置文件翻譯

// While you can edit this file, it's best to put your changes in // "User/Preferences.sublime-settings", which overrid

原创 Cloud Foundry’s 新容器技術: A Garden Overview

編譯自: http://blog.pivotal.io/cloud-foundry-pivotal/features/cloud-foundry-container-technology-a-garden-overview http:/