原创 Spring MVC textbox example

spring的便籤帶來了什麼新功能? In Spring MVC, you can use <form:input /> tag to render a HTML textbox field. For example, <for

原创 Java開發熟手該當心的11個錯誤

生產過程中出現的問題正逐漸得到中層和最高管理層的重視。不管是身爲開發人員還是架構師,下列的事項都應該得到你足夠的重視以避免陷入未來的尷尬境地。你也可以把它作爲排查問題的便籤。 1、不在屬性文件或XML文件外配置屬性。比如,沒有把批

原创 Python – How to delay few seconds

In Python, you can use time.sleep(seconds) to make the current executing Python program to sleep or delay a few sec

原创 用Java生成字符畫


原创 文章標題

In this tutorial, we will take the previous Spring MVC hello world XML-based, and convert it to a annotation-based proj

原创 iBATIS - Hibernate

There are major differences between iBATIS and Hibernate. Both the solutions work well, given their specific domain. iB

原创 How to call stored procedure in Hibernate

In this tutorial, you will learn how to call a store procedure in Hibernate. MySQL store procedure Here’s a MySQL store

原创 Java Non-Blocking and Asynchronous IO with NIO & NIO.2 (JSR203) - Reactor/Proactor Implementations

Proactor/Reactor asynchronous IO patterns. I can see how by using selectable channels I can implement a Reactor style a

原创 Reading and Writing using a Large Random Access File

I have a delimited file where each line is of a varying length and can have a varying amount of delimiters. I need to a

原创 How to Change the MySQL Timeout on a Server

A MySQL server timeout can occur for many reasons, but happens most often when a command is sent to MySQL over a closed

原创 java.io.RandomAccessFile

public class RandomAccessFile extends Object implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable Instances of this

原创 activemq的幾種基本通信方式總結

簡介 activemq是JMS消息通信規範的一個實現。總的來說,消息規範裏面定義最常見的幾種消息通信模式主要有發佈-訂閱、點對點這兩種。另外,通過結合這些模式的具體應用,我們在處理某些應用場景的時候也衍生出來了一種請求應答的模式。下面,我

原创 ActiveMQ入門實例

1.下載ActiveMQ 去官方網站下載:http://activemq.apache.org/ 2.運行ActiveMQ 解壓縮apache-activemq-5.5.1-bin.zip,然後雙擊apache-activemq-5.5.

原创 Fast paging with MongoDB

Paging through your data is one of the most common operations with MongoDB. A typical scenario is the need to display y

原创 Java NIO AsynchronousFileChannel

In Java 7 the AsynchronousFileChannel was added to Java NIO. The AsynchronousFileChannel makes it possible to read data