原创 ural 1099. Work Scheduling 一般圖最大匹配

There is certain amount of night guards that are available to protect the local junkyard from possible junk robberies

原创 hdu 3452 Bonsai 求最少去掉多少權值的邊使得所有的葉子節點和根節點斷開連接

Problem Description After being assaulted in the parking lot by Mr. Miyagi following the "All Valley Karate Tourname

原创 hdu 3446 daizhenyang's chess 一般圖最大匹配+博弈 在一個棋盤上,兩個人輪流走,每個人可以移動king走到沒被走過的幸運的格子上。問,先手是否能贏。

Problem Description As we know,daizhenyang likes playing chess,but he always lose,so one day,he invented a brand new ch

原创 Brevity is Soul of Wit 二分圖匹配 將n個字符串縮短(slen

As we communicate, we learn much new information. However, the process of communication takes too much time. It beco

原创 hdu 3449 Consumer 條件揹包 有錢w,給出n種選擇,每種選擇有m[i]個物品,但必須先買盒子,價格p[i],求買的物品的最大價值

Problem Description FJ is going to do some shopping, and before that, he needs some boxes to carry the different kinds

原创 zoj 3557 How Many Sets II 求Comb(n,m)%p p很大素數 m

Given a set S = {1, 2, ..., n}, number m and p, your job is to count how many set T satisfies the following condition:

原创 Petya and Spiders DLX+重複覆蓋 最小支配集(最少多少個點能覆蓋所有的點)

Little Petya loves training spiders. Petya has a board n × m in size. Each cell of the board initially has a spider s

原创 Minimum Sum 平面最近點對

You are given a set of n vectors on a plane. For each vector you are allowed to multiply any of its coordinates by -

原创 Spiders 求樹的直徑(距離最遠的兩個點)

One day mum asked Petya to sort his toys and get rid of some of them. Petya found a whole box of toy spiders. They w

原创 poj 3207 Ikki's Story 2-SAT

Description liympanda, one of Ikki’s friend, likes playing games with Ikki. Today after minesweeping with Ikki and

原创 poj 2296 Map Labeler 2-SAT+二分答案

Description Map generation is a difficult task in cartography. A vital part of such task is automatic labeling of the c

原创 hdu 1466 Girls and Boys 最大點獨立集=N-最大匹配

Description In the second year of the university somebody started a study on the romantic relations between the student