原创 WSREP: Node consistency compromised, aborting

Mariadb Galera Cluster中的兩個節點幾乎同時宕機,檢查日誌發現如下錯誤 [Warning] WSREP: BF applier failed to open_and_lock_tables: 1146, fatal:

原创 ERROR 1265 (01000): Data truncated for column 'ENABLED' at row 7

mysql> UPDATE performance_schema.setup_consumers SET ENABLED = 'OFF' WHERE NAME LIKE 'events_transactio

原创 ERROR 1180 (HY000): Got error 5 "Input/output error" during COMMIT

MariaDB [(none)]> select * from information_schema.GLOBAL_status where variable_name in ('wsrep_provider_name','wsrep_p

原创 WSREP: Only binlog_format = 'ROW' is currently supported

Mariadb Galera Cluster 節點啓動時出現如下錯誤: mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /3336/data mysqld_safe WSRE

原创 如何將Mariadb Galera Cluster中的節點轉換爲slave

由於架構變化需要將Mariadb Galera Cluster中的一個節點轉移爲slave,步驟如下:正常停止集羣中的待轉換節點找到該節點最後一個事務的xid值查找候選master上Xid(第2步中找到的xid)所在binlog中下一個事

原创 MySQL 主從延遲幾萬秒 Queueing master event to the relay log

數據庫版本Server version: 5.6.24-log Source distribution問題描述數據採集平臺業務數據庫由於批量灌數據導致主從延遲上萬秒。複製線程長期處於Queueing master event to the

原创 Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 111 (MySQL

DataClient.cpp: 220|get_all_msgpolicy; SQLException [TCS_Mysql::connect]:  mysql_real_connect: Lost co