That's a mouthful title, but it's the best I could do. Coffee's not in my system yet and the guy at the coffeeshop kn

原创 Javascript學習系列(六):javascript控制Cookie,保留用戶登錄信息

想要下一次進入自己的網站時保留用戶信息以便簡化登錄手續,所以研究了Cookie。   Cookie是儲存在用戶本地上的數據,可以將用戶的信息長久的保存到用戶機的文件中。   請看這個登錄的例子(如果有不懂的,請看javascri

原创 Mobile JavaScript Apps: The Dawn of React Native

My friend Daniel has been a web developer throughout his career. In the last four years, Daniel like many of his peers

原创 React.js in patterns

Long time I was searching for a good front-end framework. Framework that will help me write scalable and easy to mainta

原创 Backbone入門指南(二):依賴庫Underscore

http://yujianshenbing.iteye.com/blog/1748452 5. Underscore.js   Underscore封裝了常用的JavaScript對象操作方法,用於提高開發效率。它本身與我們介紹的主

原创 深入理解Redux:10個來自專家的Redux實踐建議

https://egghead.io/courses/getting-started-with-redux https://egghead.io/courses/building-react-applications-with-idi

原创 Redux without profanity

Welcome to a summary of how we write redux apps at Docker, Inc. aimed to be used as a guide for our projects and the Re

原创 Getting Started with Redux: An Intro

As web applications grow in complexity, so does the task of updating and displaying their underlying data. Many appr

原创 Pure CSS for multiline truncation with ellipsis

Update – We just launched The Side Project Accelerator, an 8-week online program to share everything we learned while

原创 Setting up a new Typescript 1.9 and React project

Posted on Jun 21, 2016 #typescript #react #babel #webpack IntroductionEditor setup AtomSublimeVisual Studio CodeRecom

原创 Design Principles

After using React in a couple of applications, you might be interested in contributing to React. Before diving into

原创 你知道用AngularJs怎麼定義指令嗎?

前言 最近學習了下angularjs指令的相關知識,也參考了前人的一些文章,在此總結下。 歡迎批評指出錯誤的地方。   Angularjs指令

原创 Backbone入門指南(一):什麼是Backbone?

http://yujianshenbing.iteye.com/blog/1748447 1. 前言   本文的目的,是幫助大家快速理解掌握Backbone的使用,但它並不是API,因此我不會將每一個方法都詳細地描述,但是我會告訴你

原创 How to Write a Git Commit Message

31 Aug 2014 | revision history Introduction | The Seven Rules | Tips Introduction: Why good commit mess

原创 Create Apps with No Configuration

July 22, 2016 by Dan Abramov Create React App is a new officially supported way to create single-page React applica