原创 自動獲取https簽名

說明 [domain] 爲網站域名,注意對應修改 準備工作 安裝openssl 創建存放ssl證書文件夾mkdir ssl 創建賬號 openssl genrsa 4096 > account.key 創建CSR文件 創建域名私

原创 人工智能將如何在2019年改變零售業(How AI Will Change Brick-and-Mortar Retail in 2019)

Data science, machine learning, and AI have clear applications for e-commerce, and given their relative ease of imple

原创 LSTM的神奇之處

前言 LSTM神經網絡代表長期短期記憶,是一種特殊類型的遞歸神經網絡,最近在機器學習界引起了很多關注。 簡而言之,LSTM網絡內部具有一些上下文狀態單元,它們充當長期或短期存儲器單元。 LSTM網絡的輸出由這些單元的狀態調製而成。當我

原创 GBM參數詳解

GBM(gradient boosting machine) 參數詳解: 樹參數 min_samples_split 定義了樹中一個節點所需要用來分裂的最少樣本數。 可以避免過度擬合(over-fitting)。如果用於分類的樣

原创 機器學習面試

主題模型 詞向量 何爲詞向量?即對詞典 D 中任意詞 w,指定一個固定長度的實值向量 V(w)屬於 R^m 。則 V(w) 即稱爲w的詞向量,m是詞向量的長度。 詞向量有兩種表現形式: One-hot Representation:

原创 Call an Amazon SageMaker model endpoint using Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda

At AWS Machine Learning workshops, customers often ask, “After I deploy an endpoint, where do I go from there?” You can

原创 2018-08-22 Whats new on arXiv

Use Of Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension in Model Selection In this dissertation, I derive a new method to estimate the Vap

原创 Scalable multi-node deep learning training using GPUs in the AWS Cloud

A key barrier to the wider adoption of deep neural networks on industrial-size datasets is the time and resources requi

原创 Distilled News

T2F – Text-to-Face generation using Deep Learning This project combines two of the recent architectures StackGAN and Pr

原创 Create a model for predicting orthopedic pathology using Amazon SageMaker

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are gaining momentum in the healthcare industry, especially in h

原创 Why AI Isn’t A Black Box (And Its Business Value)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful and growing field, but some are still hesitant to employ it, seeing it as a

原创 How To Remotely Send R and Python Execution to SQL Server from Jupyter Notebooks

Introduction Did you know that you can execute R and Python code remotely in SQL Server from Jupyter Notebooks or any

原创 Spark Transformation和Actions

Transformation和Actions Transformation具體內容 map(func) :返回一個新的分佈式數據集,由每個原元素經過func函數轉換後組成 filter(func) : 返回一個新的數據集,由經過func

原创 Essential Tips and Tricks for Starting Machine Learning with Python

“I am a student of computer science/engineering. How do I get into the field of machine learning/deep learning/AI?” It

原创 Object Detection algorithm now available in Amazon SageMaker

Amazon SageMaker is a fully-managed and highly scalable machine learning (ML) platform that makes it easy build, train,