原创 Using the GNU Compiler Collection and GNU Compiler Collection Internals Introduction

Using the GNU Compiler Collection Introduction This manual documents how to use the GNU compilers, as well as their fea

原创 Go HSAIL and Other Language Standards Supported by GCC ( GCC 支持的Go HSAIL和其他語言標準 )

Using the GNU Compiler Collection Language Standards Supported by GCC GCC 支持的語言標準 2.4 Go Language As of the GCC 4.7.1 r

原创 C++ Language Standards Supported by GCC ( GCC 支持的C++語言標準 )

Using the GNU Compiler Collection Language Standards Supported by GCC 2.2 C++ Language GCC supports the original ISO C+

原创 PHP 大小寫轉換函數 lcfirst ucfirst ucwords strtolower strtoupper

PHP 大小寫轉換函數 lcfirst ucfirst ucwords strtolower strtoupper lcfirst – 將字符串的首字母轉換爲小寫 (PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7) ucfirst –

原创 PHP字符串函數之 sscanf echo print sprintf vsprintf printf vprintf fprintf vfprintf

PHP字符串函數之 sscanf echo print sprintf vsprintf printf vprintf fprintf vfprintf 標籤:PHP字符函數 PHP字符串輸入輸出 sscanf – 根據指定格式解析

原创 Option Summary ( GCC 選項概要 )

Using the GNU Compiler Collection 3 GCC Command Options 3.1 Option Summary Here is a summary of all the options, groupe

原创 Programming Languages Supported by GCC(GCC 支持的編程語言)

Using the GNU Compiler Collection 1. Programming Languages Supported by GCC GCC 支持的編程語言 GCC stands for “GNU Compiler Co