原创 華爲LiteOS在Win10子系統Linux(WSL)中開發(一)----WSL安裝及使用

安裝WSL: 1:打開“啓用或關閉Windows功能”,勾選“適用於Linux的Windows子系統”項. 2:微軟應用商店搜索 Linux,根據自己需要選擇適合自己的發行版,選用 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS,下載完成後啓動,等待

原创 華爲LiteOS在Win10子系統Linux(WSL)中開發(二)----LiteOS安裝及使用

1:WSL對32位支持,輸入以下命令:     dpkg --add-architecture i386     apt update     apt install qemu-user-static     update-binfmts

原创 VC++/MFC 教程6&7(英文)

Lesson 6: SDI and MDI Applications We are getting to some advanced stuff now. In this lesson I am not going to go in de

原创 VC++/MFC 教程2(英文)

Lesson 2: C++ Essentials If you want to use Microsoft Visual C++, it helps a ton if you really know C++. Everything is

原创 VC++/MFC 教程4&5(英文)

Lesson 4: MFC Basics Are you ready to start programming? No you are not. You don't want me to teach you a stupid 'hello

原创 4年後再見CSDN


原创 VC++/MFC 教程1(英文)

Lesson 1: Behind the Scenes with Handles and MessagesThough you think you want to dive right into the code, you really

原创 VC++/MFC 教程3(英文)

Lesson 3: Visual C++ IDE and Workspaces Windows programming is tricky stuff. Don't let anyone fool you. But microsoft h