原创 Contact List

Alvin Mobile:851-137-88 CTI=>Small company at 2007/02/16

原创 Long Tails

Long Tails Very interesting idea. The internet is changing our life and cha

原创 Tips from the R&D Top Manager

Although there are most concept and experience from the PMP or other PM books. Actually, it sill depends on the working

原创 Prepare the process definition

Lesson1: Minor preparation you may forget it Before you start the project, define the policy, verion control, conventio

原创 What will you consider, if you're the director...

What will you consider, if you're the department manager in the golden period? After the spring festival , it's the gol

原创 WP Rewrite url for nginx

http://efreedom.com/Question/1-3491258/Multi-Site-Wordpress-Rewrite-Rules-Nginx   server {     server_name *. e

原创 Play note

在eclipse中設置project      摘要: 1. 用命令行創建新的project #>: play new test 輸入 test(會有What is the application name?提示) 注:一定要輸入t

原创 Algorithms

//Inserting sort int A[] = {3,43,34,21,7,56,2}; for (int i=1;i<A.length;i++){ int key = A[i]; loop: for(int j= i

原创 Install fast cgi & nginx in fedora

http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/rhel-fedora-install-configure-nginx-php5/     Red Hat / CentOS Install nginx PHP5 FastCG

原创 Python MIT OOPS

[b] L3: Italian program commands assignment input/output condition loop print x, 'hello world' Defensive programming

原创 7 Habbits of highly effective people

思維轉換,建立全新觀點 1.要改變現狀,就得改變自己,要改變自己,先得改變我們看待世界的觀點,(換位思考) 2.品德(moral character)>個人魅力personality ethic , lon

原创 ffmpeg compile


原创 辦公室政治

 辦公室政治行爲準則  1.不要因任何事情公開批評你的上司或同事。  2.批評他人的觀點而不是批評他人。  3.不要爲小事爭拗。小心選擇值得爭辯的事情。如果你準備捍衛某一想法,你最好有把握你能獲勝。  4.

原创 新會計法


原创 EBP ESP Function calling

After some research, I find 3 articles about these topic to clearly clarify how function is calling.   http://unixwiz.