原创 Microservice Patterns 下載

Microservice Patterns 下載 about the book Microservices Patterns teaches you how to develop and deploy production-qua

原创 Abraham Silberschatz-Operating System Concepts (9th,2012.12) 下載

About The tenth edition of Operating System Concepts has been revised to keep it fresh and up-to-date with contempo

原创 Kubernetes-Past-Present-Future 文檔下載

about Over the last four years, the Kubernetes container orchestration framework has taken the software engineering

原创 java生態深度學習計劃

1. 源碼分析 1.1 設計模式 1.2 spring 1.3 mybatis 1.4 hibernate 2. 工具 2.1 maven vs gradle 2.2 jenkins 2.3 sonar 2.4 git 3. 分佈式 3.