原创 57 圓與圓的面積交(2017年秦皇島區域賽)

M - Safest Buildings PUBG is a multiplayer online battle royale video game. In the game, up to one hundred players para

原创 小技巧

1) 當涉及到長度d的時候我們要考慮尺取算法,以爲這樣的話會降低時間複雜度會將時間複雜度降低到線性的時間複雜度內; 2)還有求算某一個範圍中的某一個數的時候要想到二分 3)在求算用某一個二維數組的範圍內的某一箇中位數是哪一個的時候,如果數

原创 55 博弈(找規律);

LightOJ - 1296 Alice and Bob are playing a stone game. Initially there are n piles of stones and each pile contains som

原创 53 樹狀數組;

 N - Color the ball N個氣球排成一排,從左到右依次編號爲1,2,3....N.每次給定2個整數a b(a <= b),lele便爲騎上他的“小飛鴿"牌電動車從氣球a開始到氣球b依次給每個氣球塗一次顏色。但是N次以後le

原创 55 博弈轉換

Cutting Game POJ - 2311 Urej loves to play various types of dull games. He usually asks other people to play with him.

原创 52 質因數分解

H - A Simple Stone Game After he has learned how to play Nim game, Bob begins to try another stone game which seems muc

原创 50 博弈(逆着順序求sg值)

 J - Beans Game There are three piles of beans. TT and DD pick any number of beans from any pile or the same number fro

原创 51 博弈方案數;

P - Being a Good Boy in Spring Festival 一年在外 父母時刻牽掛 春節回家 你能做幾天好孩子嗎 寒假裏嘗試做做下面的事情吧 陪媽媽逛一次菜場 悄悄給爸爸買個小禮物 主動地 強烈地 要求洗一次碗 某一天

原创 49 分塊(倍數分塊)

鏈接:https://www.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/211/F 來源:牛客網   題目描述 給定  個整數  。保證  。 對於每個  ,求出 。爲了避免過量輸出,你只需要將所有的 m 個結果異或起來輸出。 輸

原创 47 博弈的相互轉化的狀態(必須是完全等價的)

C - Crosses and Crosses The game of Crosses and Crosses is played on the field of 1 × n cells. Two players make moves i

原创 46 最大團(二分圖匹配)

D - Largest Group One day your university decided to run some statistics. They wanted to study friendship relations amo

原创 45 南京區域賽J題


原创 48 博弈(控制邊界)

T - A Multiplication Game Stan and Ollie play the game of multiplication by multiplying an integer p by one of the numb

原创 44 思維題

C. Maximum Subrectangle time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 512 megabytes input standard input output s

原创 42 棋盤博弈&&尼姆博弈

B - Marbles Using marbles as a currency didn't go so well in Cubicônia. In an attempt to make it up to his friends afte