原创 vim筆記三

原创 vim筆記二

原创 functional programming

the tricky functional programming is to make sure that you're not changint anything the outside of the world! 實驗:this.se

原创 webpack code split實現原理

動態導入(dynamic import) 當涉及到動態代碼拆分時,webpack 提供了兩個類似的技術。 第一種,也是推薦選擇的方式是,使用符合[ECMAScript 提案](https://github.com/tc39/proposa

原创 css specificity


原创 todo:read

https://css-tricks.com/creating-the-perfect-commit-in-git/ https://css-tricks.com/an-interview-with-elad-shechter-on-the

原创 download from youtube.

.\youtube-dl.exe https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6bwFJ82M6FXgctyoWXqj7H0GK8_YIeF1 --proxy socks5://

原创 如何使用網頁長截圖留檔

使用 Chrome 瀏覽器 59 或更高版本 進入待截圖的網頁 按下 F12 快捷鍵(或鼠標右鍵 >> 審查元素),調出 Web 開發者工具 按下 Ctrl + Shift + P 快捷鍵,調出指令執行界面 輸入 Capture full

原创 ssh, compress, scp

layout: post title: "ssh, compress, scp" ssh config for server SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring ssh connect SSH/OpenSSH/Connect

原创 編碼


原创 todo

warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in index.js. The file will have its original line endings in your working director

原创 react高階函數組件

Layout as a Higher Order Component // components/MyLayout.js import Header from './Header'; const layoutStyle = { ma

原创 Absolute Horizontal And Vertical Centering In CSS

Quick CSS Trick: How To Center an Object Exactly In The Center Centering in CSS: A Complete Guide Absolute Horizontal An

原创 todo reading

https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_objects/Function/bind https://developer.mozilla

原创 todo:reading
