When using Oracle compatibility features on DB2 9.7 (by setting DB2_COMPATIBILITY_VECTOR registry variable to ORA), DATE

原创 Resolve contention on "workspace_lru_latch"

Problem:In high-workload OLTP systems, contention on "SQLO_LT_sqlra_workspace_mhashcb__workspace_lru_latch" ("workspace_

原创 PureScale不支持的特性, 表與表空間設計的考慮.

TABLESPACE:Only automatic storage table spaces can be created in a DB2 pureScale environment.In a DB2 pureScale environm

原创 常見的SQL0805N解決方法

Knowledge Collection:  SQL0805Nhttp://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21358478SQL0805N - package NULLID.SYSSH2

原创 db2top help

The db2top tool is a monitoring tool that comes packaged with every copy of DB2 for Linux and Unix as of version 9.1 FP6

原创 IC90024,爲什麼沒有選擇NLJOIN?

IC90024: OPTIMIZER MIGHT FAVOUR HSJOIN OVER AN ORDERED NLJOIN    The optimizer might favour a hash join (HSJOIN) over a

原创 db2ilist returns blank

The db2ilist command calls either db2iset or db2set depending on the permissions defined for db2iset.db2iset is meant to

原创 v97fp5後, load問題診斷方法增強.

DB2 9.7 FP5及以後, 新增-load選項, 通過loadid可以獲得所有相關的EDU和stack數據.$ db2 list utilities show detailID                              

原创 表空間數據結構研究_01

Space Map Pages (SMPs) hold track of which extents are used and which are free.Extent Map Pages (EMPs) store the mapping

原创 坑爹的APAR IT08059.

最近, 爲了解決客戶某個重要的數據庫Crash的問題, 從v97fp9升級到了v97fp10.過了幾天, 活動日誌滿了.早上被客戶call起, 急忙趕到現場. 發現是某個應用長時間hold住了最早的事務日誌, force不了, 應該是han

原创 Crash Recovery & SOFTMAX

Redo starting point is minimum of (MinBuffLSN, LowTranLSN)1) MinBuffLSN represents oldest change to page in the buffer p

原创 pureScale環境, 版本兼容很重要.

AIX 7.1 TL3 SP4, AIX 6.1 TL9 SP4 + pureScale V10.5: (2015-01-30)These service packs install RSCT Previous SPs w

原创 db2dart,/DDEL導出某個schema下的表數據.

db2dart sample /ddelTable object data formatting start.Please enter Table ID or name, tablespace ID, first page, num of

原创 RS隔離級別導致的鎖超時

客戶某個數據庫突然鎖超時增多.通過分析db2locktimeout文件, 發現90%的locktimeout的原因都是因爲Read Stability隔離級別導致的。主要涉及的表:P_CUSTOM_ARCH_TABLE,P_CUSTOM_T

原创 DB2V9.7, Toad報SQL0401N的錯誤.

錯誤信息:The data types of the operands for the operation "=" are not compatible or comparable.    原因:db2set設置了DB2_COMPATIBI