原创 Guidlines for Javascript

 There are serveral guidelines to aid the javascript programmers in writing fast code. Some of the guidelines are based

原创 mysql and mysqli

What is PHP's MySQL Extension?    This is the original extension designed to allow you to develop PHP    applications th

原创 Maximum concurrent connections in IE

 As defined in 1999 (RFC 2616) “clients that use persistent connections should limit the number of simultaneous connec

原创 內存管理


原创 PHP run as CGI or Apache Module

1. There are two ways to configure Apache to use PHP: Configure Apache to load the PHP interpreter as an Apache moduleC

原创 How to install APC in centos

Install Dependency Packages for APCFirst, we need to install required packages called pecl, phpize and apxs commands, to

原创 Dom Level

DOM Level 1The DOM Level 1 specification is separated into two parts: Core and HTML. Core Level 1 provides a low-level s

原创 Tuning Apache and PHP for Speed on Unix

Also read my essay Optimizing PHP for a more in depth coverage of these issues with case studies.To tune well, you need

原创 html 頁面中JS與CSS,圖片的加載順序

這兩天,我花了點時間看看JS,CSS,Img在html中是怎麼加載的,我的總結如下:1, 老的瀏覽器(IE7,Firefox2)加載的機制很簡答,就是一個一個加載,比如有5個外部文件,分別爲:test1.js, test2.js, styl

原创 Just in time compilation

 In computing, just-in-time compilation (JIT), also known as dynamic translation, is a method to improve the runtime per

原创 我的友情鏈接


原创 Enable htaccess file work in Apache

1, Load LoadModule module in Apache 1) Find the “httpd.conf” file under the “conf” folder inside the Apache’s installati

原创 Upgrade mysql to 5.1

 Today, I am trying to upgrade mysql server to a higher version, because I need to save some utf-8 bin data into server.