原创 Solution to BitmapFactory decodeStream null

 最近遇到從網絡上下載圖片,解碼一直是null的問題: .....  Bitmap bitmap=BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream);  ....  開始時以爲TimeOut太短,或者buffer

原创 Eclipse中使用Ant打Android包報錯解決方案 – Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK

問題描述:在Eclipse中運行ant批量打包工具出錯,日誌信息如下:D:\Android\android-sdk-windows\tools\ant\build.xml:601: The following error occurred

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Mount a filesystem read-writeVery often when you want to write files to a particular partition on ADP1, you will get a "

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原创 adb shell 之 screenrecord

adb shell --help說明:4.4以上設備可以用來錄製視頻,不需要root權限,極爲方便。E:\workspace\TaoParking\script>adb shell screenrecord --helpUsage: scr

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Introduction: ============= Every piece of native code generated with the Android NDK matches a given "Application Bina

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首先,我不是爲了黑而黑,經常需要在命令行模式下使用adb命令,無緣無故被其他的應用搶佔端口,經常遇到的問題有:ADB server didn't ACK;Adb connection Error:遠程主機強迫關閉了一個現有的連接;...很多

原创 android - Animation prevents click event

This is limitation of the Animation in Android. They fixed that in Android 3.0. Read here for more information http://an

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原创 ContextMenu高級用法

51CT0不支持MarkDown,原文請至:簡書關鍵字: ContextMenu##背景我們經常在列表的頁面中,點擊列表中的行,一般進入詳情頁面,長按列表中一行,會彈出一個菜單,包含了對某一行的操作(編輯、刪除等等),也知道通常的用法: -

原创 GitExtensions GitCredentialWinStore syntax error near unexpected token `('

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