原创 Application of Breath-first search in AI(route search)

According to bfs, it is a search method to go through all the nodes layer by layer, until the gal has been found.To make

原创 Application of Breath-first search in AI(route search)

According to bfs, it is a search method to go through all the nodes layer by layer, until the gal has been found.To make

原创 the consideration of AngularJS in CSS, ng-model, Confirmation mechanism

In css:As we all know that CSS is static and we can only use it to make up our wedsite, while under the AngularJS, it be

原创 Scope in AngularJS

From the RUNBOOM.COM, it said:Scope(作用域) 是應用在 HTML (視圖) 和 JavaScript (控制器)之間的紐帶。Scope 是一個對象,有可用的方法和屬性。Scope 可應用在視圖和控制器上。

原创 AngularJs learning notes overview

建議把腳本放在<body> 元素的底部。這會提高網頁加載速度,因爲 HTML 加載不受制於腳本加載。   2. AngularJS 通過ng-directives 擴展了HTML。ng-app 指令定義一個AngularJS 應用程序。(