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原创 shutdown SElinux on Centos

關閉SELinux的方法: 修改/etc/selinux/config文件中的SELINUX="" 爲 disabled ,然後重啓。 如果不想重啓系統,使用命令setenforce 0 注: setenforce 1 設置SEL

原创 Xen DomU hanging at “Checking for hardware changes”

Just a little memory hook: When a Xen DomU hangs at “Checking for hardware changes”, it is probably due to a dead xencon

原创 Cloning xen guest by virt-clone for disk image

Step for cloning xen dumU disk image within the SAME xen host Summary : 1. Get the vm guest for the xm list 2. Shut

原创 Install Xen 4.01 on CentOS 5.x

set up the git repository in yum for the latest version of Xen, at writing time of the newest version is 3.4.2, you ca

原创 ISP blocking google doc google site solution

Great firewall is blocking google site, google docs and google bla bla again, solution is to loginto a linx server and