原创 ISPM advance knowledge

ISPM advance knowledge: 1,large, complex project and multi-project  management ( feature and breakdown , plan process, t

原创 knowledge

@1legal software and standard specification 1, law (contrat law, bidding law, copyrights, goverment procurement) 2,softw

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原创 信息化基礎知識

 informatization foundation knowledge; (1)information and informatization (2) government informatization and e-governmen

原创 knowledge

@1legal software and standard specification 1, law (contrat law, bidding law, copyrights, goverment procurement) 2,softw


ISPM 1,ISPM foundation;(ISP's characteristic, knowledge system,professional field,the difference and contact between ope

原创 信息系統項目管理師考試大綱

11月13號考試內容; 1,綜合知識,150分鐘,75分; 2,案例分析,90分,75分; 3,論文,120分,75分;   看了一眼大綱: 1,掌握IS知識; a,IS (1) concept (2) function (3) cla

原创 學習計劃

在公司工作了兩年,學了很多東西; 同時有很多想法,但從來沒有付諸實施。有點失落,墮落了幾個月後,發現東西瞭解很多,但不成一個系統,猛然發現,是不是應該考一些東西,促進自己學習一下;在選擇自己腰包後,終於下定決心考試信息系統項目管理師,用考試

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原创 信息化基礎知識

 informatization foundation knowledge; (1)information and informatization (2) government informatization and e-governmen