原创 Configuring Persistent Optimizer Statist

The persistent optimizer statistics feature improves plan stability by storing statistics to disk and making them persis

原创 14.6.12Configuring Optimizer Statistics for InnoDB Configuring Persistent Optimizer Statistics Parameters14.6.12.2 Configuring Non-Persistent Optimizer Statistic

原创 14.6.9Configuring the InnoDB MasterThread I/O Rate

The master thread in InnoDB is a thread that performs various tasks in the background. Most of these tasks are I/O relat

原创 14.6.6 Configuring Thread Concurrency for InnoDB

InnoDB uses operating system threads to process requests from user transactions. (Transactions may issue many requests t

原创 14.6.10 Configuring Spin Lock Polling

Many InnoDB mutexes and rw-locks are reserved for a short time. On a multi-core system, it can be more efficient for a t

原创 14.6.11 Configuring InnoDB Purge Scheduling

The purge operations (a type of garbage collection) that InnoDB performs automatically may be performed by one or more s

原创 14.6.7 Configuring the Number of Background InnoDB

InnoDB uses background threads to service various types of I/O requests. You can configure the number of background thre

原创 14.6.8 Using Asynchronous I/O on Linux

InnoDB uses the asynchronous I/O subsystem (native AIO) on Linux to perform readahead and write requests for data file p

原创 the Change Buffer Maximum Size

As of MySQL 5.6.2, the innodb_change_buffer_max_size configuration option allows you to configure the maximum size of th

原创 Fine-tuning InnoDB Buffer Pool Flushing

The configuration options innodb_flush_neighbors and innodb_lru_scan_depth let you fine-tune aspects of the flushing pro

原创 Saving and Restoring the Buffer Pool Stat

To reduce the warmup period after restarting the server, InnoDB saves a percentage of the most recently used pages for e

原创 髒讀,不可重複讀,幻讀講解

首先我們先討論一下問題,是不是在ACID的保護下,數據就一定不會產生不一致的現象呢? 在關係數據庫庫系統中,多個會話可以訪問同一個數據庫的同一個表的同一行,這樣,對於數據而言,就意味着在同一個時間內,有多個會話可以對其施加操作(或讀操作或

原创 Monitoring the Buffer Pool

InnoDB Standard Monitor output, which can be accessed using SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS, provides metrics that pertain to

原创 14.6.5 Configuring InnoDB Change Buffering Configuring the Change Buffer Maximum SizeWhen INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations are performed on a table,

原创 14.6.4 Configuring the Memory Allocator for InnoDB

When InnoDB was developed, the memory allocators supplied with operating systems and run-time libraries were often lacki