原创 HDU - 2602 Bone Collector(01揹包)

Bone Collector Descriptions: Many years ago , in Teddy’s hometown there was a man who was called “Bone Collector”.

原创 【OpenJ_Bailian - 4152 】最佳加法表達式(動態規劃)

【OpenJ_Bailian - 4152 】最佳加法表達式(動態規劃) 最佳加法表達式 Descriptions: 給定n個1到9的數字,要求在數字之間擺放m個加號(加號兩邊必須有數字),使得所得到的加法表達式的值最小,並輸出該值

原创 test

<%@page import="javax.management.openmbean.OpenDataException"%> <%@page import="java.util.Date"%> <%@ page language

原创 POJ - 3624 Charm Bracelet(01揹包)

Charm Bracelet Descriptions: Bessie has gone to the mall’s jewelry store and spies a charm bracelet. Of course, she

原创 POJ - 1163 The Triangle(基本動態規劃)

The Triangle Descriptions 7 3 8 8 1 0 2 7 4 4 4 5 2 6 5 (Figure 1) Figure 1 shows a number tria

原创 OpenJ_Bailian - 4001 Catch That Cow(簡單bfs+優先隊列)

Catch That Cow Descriptions: Farmer John has been informed of the location of a fugitive cow and wants to catch her

原创 UVa - 11292 Dragon of Loowater(貪心)

Dragon of Loowater Descriptions: Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Loowater, a minor nuisance turned into a major

原创 【牛客-21302】被3整除的子序列(動態規劃)

【牛客-21302】被3整除的子序列(動態規劃) 被3整除的子序列 題目描述 給你一個長度爲50的數字串,問你有多少個子序列構成的數字可以被3整除答案對1e9+7取模 輸入描述: 輸入一個字符串,由數字構成,長度小於等於50 輸出描

原创 POJ - 3061 Subsequence(二分+尺取法)

Subsequence Descriptions: A sequence of N positive integers (10 < N < 100 000), each of them less than or equal 10

原创 UVa - 11729 Commando War(貪心)

Commando War Descriptions: “Waiting for orders we held in the wood, word from the front never came By evening the s

原创 【OpenJ_Bailian - 4001】 Catch That Cow(bfs+優先隊列)

【OpenJ_Bailian - 4001】 Catch That Cow(bfs+優先隊列) Catch That Cow Descriptions: Farmer John has been informed of the lo

原创 【Aizu - 0005 】GCD and LCM

【Aizu - 0005 】GCD and LCM GCD and LCM Descriptions: Write a program which computes the greatest common divisor (GCD)

原创 【OpenJ_Bailian - 2945】攔截導彈(動態規劃)

【OpenJ_Bailian - 2945】攔截導彈(動態規劃) 攔截導彈  Descriptions: 某國爲了防禦敵國的導彈襲擊,開發出一種導彈攔截系統。但是這種導彈攔截系統有一個缺陷:雖然它的第一發炮彈能夠到達任意的高度,但是

原创 【POJ - 1661】Help Jimmy (動態規劃)

【POJ - 1661】Help Jimmy (動態規劃) Help Jimmy Descriptions: "Help Jimmy" 是在下圖所示的場景上完成的遊戲。  場景中包括多個長度和高度各不相同的平臺。地面是最低的平臺,

原创 【OpenJ_Bailian - 2192】Zipper(dfs)

【OpenJ_Bailian - 2192】Zipper(dfs) Zipper Descriptions: Given three strings, you are to determine whether the third s