原创 IDEA中maven移除模組重建後導入依賴失敗

記一次IDEA中maven項目中比較坑的設置,在IDEA中如果你之前移除過模組,maven會默認把該模組的pom文件在ignored Files的配置中勾選上,導致如果你再次創建了這個同名的模組,pom文件的依賴引入不進去。如下圖

原创 LeetCode-287: Find the Duplicate Number(尋找重複數字——弗洛伊德循環尋找算法)

Given an array nums containing n + 1 integers where each integer is between 1 and n (inclusive), prove that at leas

原创 LeetCode-面試題64:求1+2+…+n

求 1+2+…+n ,要求不能使用乘除法、for、while、if、else、switch、case等關鍵字及條件判斷語句(A?B:C)。 示例 1: 輸入: n = 3 輸出: 6 示例 2: 輸入: n = 9 輸出: 45

原创 LeetCode-198: House Robber(打家劫舍)

You are a professional robber planning to rob houses along a street. Each house has a certain amount of money stash

原创 PAT 1087 All Roads Lead to Rome (30 分)

Indeed there are many different tourist routes from our city to Rome. You are supposed to find your clients the rou

原创 LeetCode-101:Symmetric Tree(對稱二叉樹)

Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this bi

原创 LeetCode-84:Largest Rectangle in Histogram(柱狀圖中最大的矩形)

Given n non-negative integers representing the histogram’s bar height where the width of each bar is 1, find the ar

原创 LeetCode-739:Daily Temperatures(每日溫度)

Given a list of daily temperatures T, return a list such that, for each day in the input, tells you how many days y

原创 LeetCode-1431:Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies(擁有最多糖果的孩子)

Given the array candies and the integer extraCandies, where candies[i] represents the number of candies that the it

原创 LeetCode105: Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal(從前序與中序遍歷序列構造二叉樹)

Given preorder and inorder traversal of a tree, construct the binary tree. Note: You may assume that duplicates do

原创 LeetCode-394:Decode String(字符串解碼)

Given an encoded string, return its decoded string. The encoding rule is: k[encoded_string], where the encoded_stri

原创 LeetCode-76: Minimum Window Substring(最小覆蓋子串)

Given a string S and a string T, find the minimum window in S which will contain all the characters in T in complex

原创 LeetCode001-Two Sum(兩數之和)

Given an array of integers, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to a specific target. You may a

原创 Hadoop學習筆記之HA集羣安裝部署

文章目錄1 運行環境1.1 軟件環境1.2 IP與hostname設置2 安裝準備2.1 準備虛擬機修改主機名2.2 關閉防火牆2.3 修改hosts列表2.4 配置時鐘同步2.5 配置免祕鑰登錄2.6 安裝jdk3 安裝其他組件3.

原创 Hadoop學習筆記之Hive高級操作

文章目錄1 連接1.1 數據準備1.2 Join操作1.2.1 內連接JOIN1.2.2 外連接1.2.3 右外連接1.2.4 全外連接1.3 左半連接2 數據類型2.1 原子數據類型2.2 複雜數據類型2.3 複雜數據類型實例2.3