原创 2019-08-22

I helped a doggy along the road, obviously, he may be hit by a car.

原创 2019-08-12


原创 2019-08-13


原创 2019-08-08


原创 2019-07-22

我開始想,前方路途的迷霧什麼時候能被撥開。我的內心可以平靜地接受生活帶給我的或好或壞,屬於我的波瀾壯闊的一生的一部分。學生時代,老師說人,要有堅定的信念,是福是禍,永不屈服。丘吉爾說,the most important thing is

原创 2019-07-26

“I was beginning to understand that if I put in extra hours of studying, I could often close the gap.”

原创 2019-07-27


原创 2019-07-24


原创 2019-07-26

“I owned the fact that I was reaching. Given my background, reaching was really all I could do.”摘錄來自BecomingMichelle Oba

原创 2019-07-28

“Why, when you could be in medical school, would you be a dog who does handsprings?”摘錄來自BecomingMichelle Obama此材料受版權保護。

原创 2019-07-27

“I wanted to believe that there was a guy who’d materialize and become everything to me, who’d be sexy and solid and who

原创 2019-07-28

1 讀了首詩2.用了雅萌3看了電影

原创 2019-07-25
