原创 計算機科學最難的東西之一

源自一句話 There are two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors. 這裏

原创 Java8的Stream操作

Java8的Stream操作,集合處理很是方便 1. 寫在前面 點擊查看,Java8 的新特性 2. 創建 Stream 有許多方法可以創建不同源的流實例。一旦創建,實例將不會修改其源,因此允許從單個源創建多個實例 2.1. Em

原创 如何計算兩個LocalDateTime的時間差

很多方法,這裏介紹兩個很方便的實現 Demo1 @Test public void tr(){ final LocalDateTime fromDate = LocalDateTime.now();

原创 try_Keyword

Java try/catch Block Java Exceptions Tutorial In this article, we will learn in depth about try/catch block and how

原创 switch_Keyword

Java Switch Case Statement with Examples In this quick article, we will look into Switch case statement, which is u

原创 throws_Keyword

Java throws Keyword Java Exceptions Tutorial The Java throws keyword is used to declare an exception. It gives an i

原创 void_Keyword

Java void Keyword The void keyword in Java denotes that a method does not have a return type. However, even though

原创 super_Keyword

super Keyword in Java with Examples In this article, we will discuss super keyword and it’s usage with lots of exam

原创 while_Keyword

Java while Loop with Examples In this quick article, we will learn how to use while loop with examples. The while l

原创 volatile_Keyword

volatile (computer programming) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In computer programming, particularly in the

原创 throw_Keyword

Java throw Keyword Java Exception Tutorial In the previous article Java try/catch Block, we have only been catching

原创 strictfp_Keyword

strictfp 維基百科,自由的百科全書 strictfp是Java編程語言中的一個修飾符,它限制浮點計算以確保可移植性。strictfp命令是使用Java虛擬機(JVM)1.2版引入Java的,可用於所有當前更新的Java V

原创 transient_Keyword

Java Transient Keyword Java transient keyword is used in serialization. If you define any data member as transient,

原创 synchronized_Keyword

synchronized Java Keyword with Examples The synchronized keyword may be applied to a method or statement block and

原创 protected_Keyword

protected Java Keyword with Examples The protected keyword is an access control modifier that may be applied to a c