原创 LeetCode:String to Integer (atoi)

String to Integer (atoi) Total Accepted: 106573 Total Submissions: 784972 Difficulty: EasyImplement atoi to convert a s

原创 LeetCode:Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation

Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation Total Accepted: 66669 Total Submissions: 278014 Difficulty: Medium Evalu

原创 LeetCode:Majority Element II

Majority Element II  My Submissions Question Editorial Solution Total Accepted: 30176 Total Submissions: 11584

原创 LeetCode:Maximal Rectangle

Maximal Rectangle Total Accepted: 43628 Total Submissions: 183613 Difficulty: Hard Given a 2D binary matr

原创 LeetCode:First Missing Positive

First Missing Positive Total Accepted: 66680 Total Submissions: 277290 Difficulty: Hard Given an unsorted

原创 LeetCode:Flatten Nested List Iterator

Flatten Nested List Iterator Total Accepted: 7810 Total Submissions: 26799 Difficulty: Medium Given a nes

原创 LeetCode:Next Permutation

Next Permutation Total Accepted: 70533 Total Submissions: 261357 Difficulty: Medium Implement next permut

原创 LeetCode:Verify Preorder Serialization of a Binary Tree

Verify Preorder Serialization of a Binary Tree Total Accepted: 14360 Total Submissions: 44550 Difficulty: Med

原创 LeetCode:Remove Invalid Parentheses

Remove Invalid Parentheses Total Accepted: 14168 Total Submissions: 43620 Difficulty: Hard Remove the minim

原创 Xcode常用快捷鍵

Xcode常用快捷鍵 一、關於運行調試 1、運行,停止,都在工具欄的Product裏。 Command + R  運行。 Command + .  停止 2、F6單步調試、F7跳入,F8繼續, 和Eclipse,VS類似 二、導航 咱

原创 LeetCode:LRU Cache

LRU Cache Total Accepted: 76226 Total Submissions: 481333 Difficulty: Hard Design and implement a data st

原创 Mac SVN 命令行

Mac SVN 命令行 在“某廠”實習,被分到了iOS,沒辦法只能從零開始。首先掌握一些SVN的命令。 以下是一些常用命令 1、將文件checkout到本地目錄 svn checkout path(path是服務器上的目錄

原创 LeetCode:Two Sum II - Input array is sorted

Two Sum II - Input array is sorted Total Accepted: 22771Total Submissions: 46579Difficulty: Medium Given a