原创 每日英漢對照(2.21)

It's too noise here.這裏太吵。I can't hear myself think.我沒辦法專心思考。Let's find a quieter place.我們找個較安靜的地方吧!Be quiet!安靜!I can't c

原创 消除不良情緒八法

1 自我控制。培養自制力,消除不良情緒的影響。2 自我轉化。採取迂迴的辦法,把情感和精力轉移到其他活動上去。3 自我發泄。最簡單的辦法是“宣泄”,當你悲痛欲絕時,可以放聲大哭一場,或向至親好友傾訴。4 自我安慰。遇到挫折和不幸,應該想到事情

原创 每日英漢對照(2.19)

Ladies and gentlemen女士們,先生們。This is Michael wang.這位是王麥可。You have all heard about him.你們都聽說過他。He is a good friend of min

原创 每日英漢對照(2.16)

You get what you pay for.一分錢一分貨。The quality depends on the price.價格決定品質。The price depends on the quality.品質決定價錢。You have

原创 每日英漢對照(2.14-情人節)

You know it, I know it, but he doesn't know it.你懂,我懂,就他不懂。He can't control himself.他無法控制自己。Trouble will follow him.他會有麻煩

原创 每日英漢對照(2.15)

Money burns a hole in your pocket.你留不住錢。 It goes out as fast as it comes in.錢出去,和進來得一樣快。You are a spendthrift.你真會亂花錢。Don

原创 每日英漢對照(2.13-生日快樂)

I'm coming.我來了。I am on my way.我來了。I will be there soon.我立刻就到。I'm out the door.我出門了。I will be there in a minute.我馬上到。I wi

原创 每日英漢對照(2.13-生日快樂)

I'm coming.我來了。I am on my way.我來了。I will be there soon.我立刻就到。I'm out the door.我出門了。I will be there in a minute.我馬上到。I wi

原创 每日英漢對照(2.12)

I need a pick-me-up.我需要提神劑。I need something to perk me up.我需要某個東西來提神。Let's get some coffee.我們去弄點咖啡。感悟:提神,咖啡可以。其他的東西,也可以。

原创 每日英漢對照(2.12)

I need a pick-me-up.我需要提神劑。I need something to perk me up.我需要某個東西來提神。Let's get some coffee.我們去弄點咖啡。感悟:提神,咖啡可以。其他的東西,也可以。

原创 每日英漢對照(2.10)

來北京第三天。無論如何,都要堅持打卡。做好一件小事不易,更需要努力堅持。Monkey comes. Money goes. But the money is always there.錢來來去去,但是記憶永遠都在。Money talks.金

原创 每日英漢對照(2.10)

來北京第三天。無論如何,都要堅持打卡。做好一件小事不易,更需要努力堅持。Monkey comes. Money goes. But the money is always there.錢來來去去,但是記憶永遠都在。Money talks.金

原创 96分,爲自己加油!


原创 每日英漢對照(2.8-Wednesday)

I need a pick-me-up.我需要提神劑。I need something to perk me up.我需要某個東西來提神。Let's get some coffee.我們去弄點咖啡。I can do it.我可以辦得到。I

原创 每日英漢對照(2.9)

Let's play it by ear.到時候再說。Let's wait and see.等到時候再看情形。Let's see how it goes.看情況再說。Let's not promise anything.我們不要做任何承諾。