原创 lcd_main

//nextpage Returns: 0, if the picture loop has been finished, 1 if another redraw of the picture is required. enum

原创 Qt例程之scooter

The QSqlTableModel class provides an editable data model for a single database table. //爲單個數據庫表提供了可編輯的數據模型 void QSq

原创 串口初始化

DEFINE_HWSERIAL(Serial1, 1); #define DEFINE_HWSERIAL(name, n) HardwareSerial nam

原创 ## Qt例程之Spider(ftp)

The QUrl class provides a convenient interface for working with URLs. //QUrl提供了方便的接口爲urls It can parse and construc

原创 Qt例程之http客戶端

void QHttp::done(bool error) This signal is emitted when the last pending request has finished; (it is emitted afte

原创 牛三牛學C++之拷貝構造函數

拷貝構造函數 當對象傳遞 其自己類型的命名對象 作爲參數時,將調用其複製構造函數以構造副本。 拷貝構造函數的第一個參數是類自身的引用,單一的參數 MyClass::MyClass (const MyClass&); 類自己沒有自己

原创 Qt例程之udp socket

weather station the QUdpSocket class provides a UDP socket. UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a lightweight, unreliab

原创 Qt例程之tcp socket

tripserver The QTcpSocket class provides a TCP socket. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a reliable, stream-or

原创 Qt例程之trackdeditor

The QAbstractItemDelegate class is used to display and edit data items from a model 用於顯示和從模型編輯數據item void QAbstract

原创 Qt例程之Settingview

void QHeaderView::setResizeMode(ResizeMode mode) Sets the constraints on how the header can be resized to those des

原创 Qt例程之flowChart

QAbstractItemView iconSize : QSize This property holds the size of items’ icons. //item的icon的大小 void setIconSize(c

原创 Qt例程之Settingviewcolornamedialog

The QSortFilterProxyModel class provides support for sorting and filtering data passed between another model and a

原创 Qt例程之coordinatesetter

QList int QList::count() const Returns the number of items in the list. This is effectively the same as size(). //返

原创 Qt例程之direcoryview

QModelIndex QAbstractItemView::currentIndex() const Returns the model index of the current item. //返回當前item的model i

原创 Qt mode&&view

The QModelIndex class is used to locate data in a data model //在數據模型中定位數據 int QModelIndex::row() const Returns the