原创 IDL format string with zeropadding

i = 1 print,nistring(i,format='(I04)') IDL>0001

原创 How do I move files based on size Unix?

Move all files smaller than 500kilobytes to destination find . -type f -size -100k -exec mv '{}' ../ \;   Move all file

原创 install all files with given extension to output directory using CMake

this also works for me. This is only generated at install time. So in order to make this command work, you have to buil

原创 Differences between Shared and Static Libraries?

Differences between Shared and Static Libraries? Static Libraries Advantages: Speed All the code to execute the file is

原创 怎樣給Ubuntu增加swap虛擬內存空間

From Ubuntu 18.04 onwards, a swapfile rather than a dedicated swap partition is used (except when LVM is used). The swa

原创 vscode一次打開所有相同文件名的文件

only want to open files with certain name:   find . -iname CMakeLists.txt | xargs code      with containing lines: gre

原创 Unix 移動所有子目錄下文件到文件夾

you can use find with xargs for this find /thisdir -type f -name "*.ogg" -print0 | xargs -0 -Imysongs mv -i mysongs /so

原创 設定vituralbox ubuntu的swap memory

The memory setting you see is only used to configure the VM's RAM. However, the swap space definition is part of the di

原创 How do I make Git ignore file mode (chmod) changes?

git config core.fileMode false

原创 灰度共生矩陣(GLCM,Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix)

概念 由於紋理是由灰度分佈在空間位置上反覆出現而形成的,因而在圖像空間中相隔某距離的兩像素之間會存在一定的灰度關係,即圖像中灰度的空間相關特性。灰度共生矩陣就是一種通過研究灰度的空間相關特性來描述紋理的常用方法。 灰度共生矩陣是涉及像素距

原创 How to solve Permission denied (publickey) error when using Git?

the user have not generated a ssh public/private key pair set before ? This info is working on theChaw but can be appli