原创 Manually start and stop Oracle XE in Ubuntu

Start Oralce: sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe start Stop Oracle: sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe stop Re-config Oracle: sudo

原创 [Oracle] - Create DB on Oracle 12c for an Application

Let's say we are going to develop a application for a bank, or any other enterprise, this application need a DB. And w

原创 Learning C - Hello world! & function prototype

First program processor instructionmain function //preprocessor directive, include header file stdio.h #include <stdio

原创 Disable autostart of Oracle-xe in Ubuntu

Remove auto-start from system boot: cd /etc/ ls -l rc*.d You may get 7 directories, rc0.d, rc1.d, ..., rc6.d and rcS.

原创 ssh login without password

1. ssh-keygen Shufengs-iMac:~ wangbo$ ssh-keygen Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save th

原创 [Oracle] - Connect to a PDB of Oracle12c

Story about CDB and PDB Oracle12c has a new feature and definition of CDB and PDB. If you first use 12c you will get co

原创 [Oracle] - Install Oracle12cR1 on Oracle Linux 6.5 in VirtualBox

My Oralce Linux 6.5 is running on VirtualBox. Basic settings is 4G memory, 50G hard-disk, auto partition when install O

原创 [VirtualBox] - Install Oracle Linux 7 on Oracle VirtualBox

I'll start coding with JEE soon. Product environment adopts Oracle + WebLogic in Linux, technology adopts EJB3 and JPA.

原创 Often used Linux Commands

How to display CPU information? more /proc/cpuinfo less /proc/cpuinfo cat /proc/cpuinfo 點贊 收藏 分享 文章

原创 [springframework] - DispatcherServlet and WebApplicationContext

1. Default context configuration xml, [servlet-name]-servlet.xml Configure DispatcherServlet in web.xml dispatcherServ

原创 Open virtual effects in Ubuntu 12.04LTS

Need install below packages: compiz compiz-core compiz-fusion-plugins-extra+ compiz-fusion-plugins-main+ compiz-gnome c

原创 Linux Common Commands - keep updating

Create a new group groupadd -g 54321 oracle Create a new user useradd -c "Operate Oracle DB" -m -d /home/oracle -g ora

原创 Create a new user

$ su - weblogic I was going to install weblogic in my local. So I created a specific user for it. useradd $ sudo use

原创 [spring security] - LDAP configuration - Bind approach

Springsecurity LDAP authentication sample XML. uid={0},ou=Peoplecnsnuid 1. Implements UserDetailsContextMapper publi

原创 [spring security] - Spring security LDAP configuration - Search approach

Simple XML CN 1. Admin user  Depends on your LDAP server settings. Some LDAP servers don't allow anonymous query, so