原创 uva 10050 Hartals

Problem D: Hartals  A social research organization has determined a simple set of parameters to simulate the behavio

原创 uva 133 - The Dole Queue

The Dole Queue  In a serious attempt to downsize (reduce) the dole queue, The New National Green Labour Rhinoceros P

原创 uva 107 - The Cat in the Hat

The Cat in the Hat  Background (An homage to Theodore Seuss Geisel) The Cat in the Hat is a nasty creature, But the

原创 uva 11218 - KTV

Problem K KTV One song is extremely popular recently, so you and your friends decided to sing it in KTV. The song has

原创 uva 311 Packets

Packets  A factory produces products packed in square packets of the same height h and of the sizes  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  

原创 uva 993 - Product of digits

Product of digits  For a given non-negative integer number N , find the minimal natural Q such that the product of

原创 uva 10716 - Evil Straw Warts Live

Problem D: Evil Straw Warts Live A palindrome is a string of symbols that is equal to itself when reversed. Given an in

原创 目標跟蹤-粒子濾波

轉載自:http://www.cnblogs.com/yangyangcv/archive/2010/05/23/1742263.html     一直都覺得粒子濾波是個挺牛的東西,每次試圖看文獻都被複雜的數學符號搞得看不下去。一個偶

原创 ubuntu 14.04安裝opencv3.0.0

按http://my.oschina.net/u/1757926/blog/293976的步驟安裝,發現測試代碼編譯不通過,顯示找不到cv.h頭文件 包含頭文件路徑有#include <cv.h> 改爲 include <opencv/c

原创 hdoj Largest prime factor

Problem Description Everybody knows any number can be combined by the prime number. Now, your task is telling me what

原创 生成1~n的排列

摘自《算法競賽入門經典》 按字典序生成1~n的全排列。 僞代碼: void print_permutation(序列A, 集合S) {         if(S爲空)  輸出序列A;         else  按從小到大的順序依次考慮S

原创 mac virtualbox安裝centos虛擬機


原创 反響投影圖

轉自:http://blog.163.com/thomaskjh@126/blog/static/370829982010112810358501/ 反向投影圖   2010-12-28 22:25:51|  分類: OpenCV學習

原创 opencv cvCreateFileCapture 返回null

下載xvid並安裝,https://www.xvid.com/download/ 解決。

原创 error: jump to case label [-fpermissive]

代碼:int main(){    int a =0;    switch(a)    {        case 0: int b = 0;break;        case 1: break;        default:bre