原创 iPhone Programming: Set UITableView Accessory Arrow Style

The iPhone SDK provides an easy-to-code standard for creating consistent user interfaces. The UITableView class is us

原创 Loading data from .plist files

Saving and Reloading from .plist files… A great way to store dictionary data that does not change during runtime is

原创 property 屬性講解

property 後面括號中的屬性(nonatimic,retain,assign,copy,readonly,readwrite,)這些屬性主要事完成getter setter 的操作   (這個很重要的哦 !!!很多初學者都在這裏迷

原创 遠程讀取中文網頁內容並顯示, keyword: html, stringWithContentsOfURL encoding

遠程讀取中文網頁內容並顯示, keyword: html, stringWithContentsOfURL encoding    實現的功能很簡單,就像遠程抓取www.baidu.com的網頁內容,就像在瀏覽器裏view

原创 How to use NSJSONSerialization

Your code seems fine except the result is an NSArray, not an NSDictionary, here is an example: The first two lines

原创 我想做那個在路邊鼓掌的人

我想做那個在路邊鼓掌的人                        作者:寒心     我那上國中的女兒,她同學都管叫她23號。她的班上總共有5

原创 iPhone UITableView異步加載圖片

// Customize the appearance of table view cells. - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowA

原创 IOS error 彙總

error: Semantic Issue: Interface type cannot be statically allocated? You're probably missing '*' before imageWith

原创 Labels aligning in UITableViewCell

I use UITableView with cells created using UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle. Every cell's height is dynamically adjusted

原创 iphone-plist-tutorial

Many people transfer data to and from web services to the iPhone via JSON. This is a much better way than using XML.

原创 How to use the Segmented Control

Here is How You Use the Segmented Control [UISegmentedControl] by MattjDrake on SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 in CODE TIPS

原创 Display Rich Text Using a UIWebView

A UITextView is great for displaying multiple lines of simple text. But when you need something more fancy, like head

原创 XCode4.2中使用Empty Application模板替代舊的Window Based Application

“FYI, I am very newbie in iPhone development.” I had upgraded Xcode to 4.2 beta 4 and realised that there is no more t

原创 iphone:html中文nsdata->nsstring亂碼

NSStringEncoding strEncode = CFStringConvertEncodingToNSStringEncoding(kCFStringEncodingGB_18030_2000);  NSString *s

原创 how can i detect the touch event of an UIImageView

A UIImageView is derived from a UIView which is derived from UIResponder so it's ready to handle touch events. You