原创 【編程題解】Pig likes running

Description Popo is a maverick pig who runs around an n*n outside of the field every day. Everytime it runs n+1 unit le

原创 【編程題解】Tree or not?

Description Please input the sequence of N pairs of numbers (for example: N = 2, the sequence of numbers is (1, 2), (2,

原创 【編程題解】Game of Throne

Description After the death of DaenerysStormborn of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of M

原创 【編程題解】Children’s day

Description Children'sDay is coming, the teachers with the children to go outing, a teacher can not manage so many peop

原创 springboot創建及使用多線程的幾種方式


原创 Ubuntu如何修改用戶名和密碼

Ubuntu是一個Linux操作系統,修改密碼和用戶名是有危險的動作,請謹慎修改。   【提示:如果你要修改密碼和用戶名的話,請先修改密碼,重啓後,再修改用戶名,重啓。如果你先修改用戶名,再修改密碼的話,可能會導致你登錄不了Ubuntu。

原创 Google Analytics SEO 實時 網站 訪問量 統計

說明:        之前一直在想要怎麼才能讓aplexos.com域名網站能夠統計訪問量,網站是使用github.io搭建,不好統計靜態網站訪問量,想借助工具,但是效果不好,不小心看Google Analytics,然後就註冊了,開始嘗

原创 【編程題解】Kobe’s bread

Description Kobe opened a bakery, a counter has N rows of shelves, each row of shelves can store K bread, and each brea

原创 【編程題解】Good or bad?

Description There are two kinds of people living on an island, those who are good and those who are bad. A good man alw

原创 【編程題解】Count number

Description In an undirected connected graph, if an edge is deleted and the graph is divided into two disconnected part

原创 Ajax請求django返回json數據到前端

功能說明: Ajax請求接口,Django框架下從該接口接收Ajax發送的json數據,同時將新的json數據返回給Ajax,Ajax收到後在js進行處理,然後和頁面內容交互。整個數據前後端交互全部採用json格式。 運行環境: 後端:p

原创 【編程題解】One piece

Description Luffy wants to find one piece through the great route, and there are many other pirates on the road to stop

原创 【編程題解】88888888...

Description Eight is a lucky number in our daily life. If every digit of a number consists of eight,it is considered a

原创 【編程題解】Curry’s problem

Description Mr.Durant gave Curry a sequence named A,and the length is n. In this sequence, all the Numbers are differen

原创 【編程題解】Drive car

Description n individuals want to travel, the place to stay is far from the restaurant, you need to drive by, but there