原创 零碎的問題記錄--持續更新中......

1.Transaction historical summary   On the date 31-DEC-2008, quantity was 0.00341. Since the report is showing upto 2 di

原创 How the revaluation works or gets calculated--來自Metalink的解釋

  ACTION PLAN===========As this issue is related to two modulesie, general ledger and Payables, it taking sometime. Fro

原创 Oracle EBS 統計我們客制的報表

SELECT t.user_concurrent_program_name, b.concurrent_program_name FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_tl t, fnd_concurrent_prog

原创 Diagnostic Scripts: Close Period Notes - Diagnostic SQL Scripts

Checked for relevance on 06-Dec-2007DISCLAIMER: This script is provided for educational purposes only.  It is not suppo