原创 Mac利用homebrew安裝xgboost(傻瓜教程)

Homebrew國內如何自動安裝(國內地址)常見錯誤參考 xgboost官網 安裝教程 1.安裝Homebrew /bin/zsh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://gitee.com/cunkai/HomebrewCN

原创 HDU 1686 Oulipo

題目 Problem Description The French author Georges Perec (1936–1982) once wrote a book, La disparition, without the le

原创 ACM-水題 Demacia of the Ancients

題目 Description There is a popular multiplayer online battle arena game called Demacia of the Ancients. There

原创 POJ 1330 大一暑假ACM集訓

Description A rooted tree is a well-known data structure in computer science and engineering. An example is shown belo

原创 poj 1325 Machine Schedule(最大匹配,匈牙利算法)

#include <iostream> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; int way[501][501],boy[501],girl[501]; i

原创 ACM-水題 Lunch Time

題目 Description The 999th Zhejiang Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest will be held in Marjar University. The

原创 大一c++程序設計實訓 銀行儲蓄系統

代碼: bank.h /* *版權所有 (c) 2015, 煙臺大學計算機與控制工程學院. *All rights reserved. *文件名稱: main.cpp *作者:冷基棟 *完成日期:2015年7月16日 *版本號

原创 next_permutation函數 字典序排列

原文地址 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_9f7ea4390101101u.html 這是一個求一個排序的下一個排列的函數,可以遍歷全排列,要包含頭文件<algorithm>下面是以前的筆記    與之完全

原创 ACM-水題 Higher Math

題目 Description You are building a house. You’d prefer if all the walls have a precise right angle relative to the g

原创 ACM-水題 Beauty of Array

題目: Description Edward has an array A with N integers. He defines the beauty of an array as the summation of all di

原创 ACM-水題 Ace of Aces

題目   There is a mysterious organization called Time-Space Administrative Bureau (TSAB) in the deep universe that we h

原创 ACM-水題 May Day Holiday

題目   Description As a university advocating self-learning and work-rest balance, Marjar University has so many days of