原创 Tomcat load balance and clustering - tomcat負載均衡和集羣

參考   http://hi.baidu.com/luodaijun/blog/item/5bbe4cfb5ffef864034f56a1.html   http://blog.csdn.net/zl5897/archive/2008/0

原创 再談Hibernate the owing session was closed

ERROR] - could not initialize proxy - the owning Session was closed - [org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException.<init>

原创 TOMCAT class loader - tomcat本身的文檔就很詳細了

Links Docs Home FAQ User Guide 1) Introduction 2) Setup 3) First webapp 4) Deployer 5) Manager 6) Realms and AAA 7)

原创 Hibernate快速入門

1.hibernate.cfg.xml Hibernate配置文件 <!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3

原创 Chapter 6. Common Mechanisms

  A note is a graphical symbol for rendering constraints or comments attached to an element or a collection of elements

原创 UML user guide, chapter 3 Hello world


原创 UML user guide, chapter 4 Classes - UML用戶手冊第四章 類

Classes are the most important building block of any object-oriented system. A class is a description of a set of objec

原创 DB2批處理注意事項

批量更新DB2 客戶端好像每次最多隻能發送64K字符SQL到數據庫. 有可能以下錯誤, 例如 db2 ? sql954 SQL0954C Not enough storage is available in the application

原创 No Silver Bullet - 沒有銀彈

沒有任何技術或管理上的進展,能夠獨立地許諾十年內使生產率、可靠性或簡潔性獲得數量級上的進步。There is no single development, in either technology or management techni

原创 UML用戶手冊(第二版)第一章

建模是開發優秀軟件中所有活動的核心部分, 目的是爲了把想要得到的系統結構和行爲溝通起來, 爲了對系統的系統結構進行可視化和控制, 爲了更好的理解正在構建的系統, 並經常揭示簡化和複用的機會, 同時也是爲了管理風險.   模型是什麼? A

原创 UML user guide, chapter 2, UML introduction

An Overview of the UML 1.The UML Is a LanguageA modeling language is a language whose vocabulary and rules focus on the

原创 Servlet filter過濾RequestDispatcher.forward內部轉發, 及FilterChain.doFilter的順序

http://www.family168.com/tutorial/jsp/html/jsp-ch-07.html    我們已經瞭解了filter的基本用法,還有一些細節配置在特殊情況下起作用。 在servlet-2.3中,Filter

原创 UML user guide, chapter 5 relationships 關係

  When you build abstractions, you'll discover that very few of your classes stand alone. Instead, most of them collabo

原创 Spring AOP使用

1. 使用Spring AOP API配置 package aop.springaop; public class HelloBean { public String sayHello(String name, int

原创 Calling windows API using D

I hope one day the D language will be popular, but it's really a pity that a genius won't be successful,  comrade and c