原创 PCL點雲特徵小結

PCL 小結1. PCL viewer2. 點雲數據格式2.1 Introduction2.2 優化的格式2.2.1 KD-tree2.2.2 Octree 八叉樹2.2.3 優點3. 特徵點的描述3.1 PFH(point fe

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C/C++ socket basic example with codeServerClient from (https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/socket-programming-cc/) Server

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原创 Paper read :on the unificationof line process,outlier rejection and robust statistics

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原创 Why least squares so powerful?

1. Residual Distribution 通常,我們使用Generalized Gauss-Markov假設。假設輸出變量的殘差都是zero-mean,服從高斯分佈,同時他們之間的關係使用covariance matr

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原创 PCL 和 solid state Lidar SLAM

PCL 和 solid state Lidar SLAM1. PCL學習關注點1.1 數據結構-KDtree和八叉樹1.1.1 檢測體素變化1.1.1 對結果濾波1.1.2 濾波之後按照歐式距離生長1.2 可視化1.3 點雲濾波1