原创 python 計算時間差

datetime 講解 datetime — 基本的日期和時間類型 — Python 3.8.3 文檔 https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3/library/datetime.html Python da

原创 [2017ICCV F] Learning Efficient Convolutional Networks through Network Slimming

Title Venue Type Code Learning Efficient Convolutional Networks Through Network Slimming ICCV F pytorch 文

原创 [2019CVPR F]Centripetal SGD for Pruning Very Deep Convolutional Networks with Complicated Structure

文章目錄Abstract1 Introduction2 Related Works3 Algorithm相關圖解算法流程4 Experiments實驗結果相近參考文獻 Title Venue Type Code Ce

原创 許建榮 --- 計算機視覺崗位--簡歷內容

文章目錄自我介紹機器學習KNN惰性學習方法( lazy-learning ) 與 急切學習方法 (Eager Learning)線性迴歸邏輯迴歸(LR)聚類SVM深度學習VGGResNetGoogleNet梯度下降Adam其他優

原创 pycharm解決Failed to change timestamp of the file

0:click Tool 1:Deployment 2:Options 3:take out Preserve files timestamp step with picture 參考鏈接 轉載於:https://my.osch

原创 [2018ECCV] Clustering Convolutional Kernels to Compress Deep Neural Networks

Title Venue Type Code Clustering Convolutional Kernels to Compress Deep Neural Networks ECCV F PyTorch Abs

原创 國際會議full paper、short paper、poster;transaction、Conference、Workshop等

文章目錄CV國際會議數據挖掘,信息檢索領域transaction、Conference、WorkshopConference、Congress、Symposium、Seminar和Workshop的區別其他special sess