原创 ansible dnf模塊詳解

概述 Installs, upgrade, removes, and lists packages and groups with the `dnf’ package manager 通過dnf管理數據包,比如安裝、更新、卸載和查

原创 ansible firewalld模塊詳解

概述 This module allows for addition or deletion of services and ports (either TCP or UDP) in either running or perma

原创 Ansible中文權威指南百度雲免費下載

鏈接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1g5BIHH_mLf-at9SQw7cesA 提取碼:5aca

原创 tomcat7.0配置管理員界面

You are not authorized to view this page. If you have not changed any configuration files, please examine the fil

原创 nginx1.16 TCP/UDP調度器

TCP/UDP調取器說白了就是端口映射 #重命名default.conf,使之失效 [root@localhost conf.d]# pwd /etc/nginx/conf.d [root@localhost conf.d]# m

原创 cockpit支持virtual machines

cockpit支持virtual machines

原创 CenOS7.6 nginx用戶認證

[root@localhost conf.d]# nginx -v nginx version: nginx/1.16.1 [root@localhost conf.d]# hostnamectl Static hostname:

原创 CentOS7安裝Memcache1.4.15

#安裝 yum -y install memcached.x86_64 #自定義服務默認已經配置好了 vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/memcached.service [Unit] Descript