原创 modsecurity系列三:規則2-Operators

Operators In the examples so far the assumption was that we are always going to use regular pattern matching against in

原创 modsecurity系列三:規則3-Actions

Actions Actions make ModSecurity tick. They make it possible to react to events and, more importantly,they are the glue

原创 modsecurity系列五:白名單

Whitelisting mechanics Whitelisting rules need to be executed before all your other detection rules, which means they s

原创 ArrayBlockingQueue和LinkedBlockingQueue的使用

BlockingQueue接口定義了一種阻塞的FIFO queue,每一個BlockingQueue都有一個容量,讓容量滿時往BlockingQueue中添加數據時會造成阻塞,當容量爲空時取元素操作會阻塞。   ArrayBlock

原创 modsecurity系列四:規則實戰1

Introducing simple rules and operators 介紹簡單的規則和操作 The simplest possible rule will specify only a variable and a regula

原创 modsecurity系列四:規則實戰2

Unconditional rules 無條件規則 The actions you specify in a SecRule execute when a match occurs, but you can use the SecActi

原创 Python列表(list)和元組(tuple)

本文轉自 「好專欄」《Python列表(list)和元組(tuple)》 咱們上節課講了Python賦值和變量,而變量在賦值語句中是一種體現,對變量有了一個感性的認識(變量就是一個貼了標籤的盒子。),這節課我們講解下python的列表