原创 在實驗室服務器毫無阻攔的安裝pip3

curl "https://bootstrap.pypa.io/3.2/get-pip.py" -o "get-pip.py" sudo python3 get-pip.py

原创 How can I force Python's file.write() to use the same newline format in Windows as in Linux (“\r\n”


原创 sometimes my file just freezes in my vi |vim, what happened?

Ctrl-S is probably the culprit; it stops your screen output in most terminals. As Michael mentioned, you can restore yo

原创 theano中的index好怪異。。比如最大似然估計的損失計算部分。

# NLL is a symbolic variable ; to get the actual value of NLL, this symbolic   # expression has to be compiled into a 

原创 pycharm遠程調試報錯cant ser remote tunneling

一開始就報錯cant ser remote tunneling 就把遠程的etc/ssh/sshd_config裏面的AllowTcpForwarding改成yes然後 service sshd restart 還是不行!!! 後來找到

原创 Git分支 and Pull&Fetch&Merge

http://blog.jobbole.com/25877/ Git詳解之三:Git分支 http://www.zhanglian2010.cn/2014/07/git-pull-vs-fetch-and-merge/

原创 用nohup重定向python輸出到文件不成功的解決辦法

原因是: It looks like you need to flush stdout periodically (e.g. sys.stdout.flush()). In my testing Python doesn't automa

原创 DataLoader, when num_worker >0, there is bug

Since PyTorch seems to adopt lazy way of initializing workers, this means that the actual file opening has to happen in

原创 在ubuntu裏燒win10安裝盤

How to Create a Bootable Windows 10 USB in Linux https://itsfoss.com/bootable-windows-usb-linux/  

原创 AttributeError: 'DistributedDataParallel' object has no attribute 'blahblah'

Pytorch DDP would fail when using the parameters directly to calculate the loss. These are my scripts: # train.py: