原创 Android9.0源碼學習-Sensor Framework

文章目錄FileListQuestionsSensorService初始化registerListener流程分析APPFrameworkJavaNativeClientServerHow the app get sensor d

原创 leetcode No315. Count of Smaller Numbers After Self

Question You are given an integer array nums and you have to return a new counts array. The counts array has the pr

原创 認真努力 - 我的2019

工作 對於技術工作,重要的是形成自己的知識體系,在深入一行的基礎上,擴展自己的知識面,而不是不停的想換方向。在最初的幾年,能在自己的領域作出一番成績,成爲某一模塊的專家,形成自己的學習方法,再換方向也能很快掌握,這是我當下的拙見。

原创 leetcode No198. House Robber

Question You are a professional robber planning to rob houses along a street. Each house has a certain amount of mo

原创 Android A/B System - Generate OTA Package

文章目錄Makefileota_from_target_files.pyOTA Package Formatprotobufprotobuf是什麼?語法update_metadata.protoGenerate FlowGener

原创 Android Sensor應用

文章目錄Sensor types supported by the Android PlatformClasses and InterfacesSensor ManagerSensorSensorEventSensorEventL

原创 Android A/B system - bootctrl

文章目錄Achitecturemiscbootctrlmodule_getCurrentSlotmodule_setActiveBootSlot Android A/B system系列 Android A/B System概述

原创 C++多線程同步的幾種方式

文章目錄Overviewmutexlock_guardunique_lockcondition_variablefuturepromisepackaged_taskasyncReference Overview C++的多線程同步

原创 leetcode No1114. Print in Order

Question Suppose we have a class: public class Foo { public void first() { print("first"); } public void second

原创 leetcode No557. Reverse Words in a String III

Question Given a string, you need to reverse the order of characters in each word within a sentence while still pre

原创 Android A/B system - update_engine(一)

Android A/B System的升級過程是怎樣的?理解這一過程就需要理解update_engine的邏輯。 首先來看Android.mk,這裏截取了一些關鍵信息 入口函數:main.cc 依賴的c文件/動態庫/靜態庫 #

原创 leetcode No389. Find the Difference

Question Given two strings s and t which consist of only lowercase letters. String t is generated by random shuffli

原创 Android Sensor概述

文章目錄Sensor分類Sensor axesMobile device axesAutomative axesMotion Sensoraccelerometers/gravitygyroscopePosition Sensor

原创 Android A/B System概述

文章目錄OverviewPartition selection (slots)Non-A/B System PartitionA/B System PartitionCommon example scenariosImplemen

原创 leetCode No162. Find Peak Element

# Question A peak element is an element that is greater than its neighbors. Given an input array nums, where nums[i