原创 AWS Serverless

AWS Lambda Assign an execution role to the Lambda function. Push event model A third-party event occurs and invokes a La


High-performance computing (HPC) is used four industries such as genomics, finance and financial risk modeling, machine

原创 Ubuntu通過資源包安裝CMake

項目要用的cmake庫需要3.21以上,apt-get install安裝的cmake到不了這麼高版本,只能從資源包安裝 官網下載資源包地址: https://cmake.org/download/ 下載安裝包 wget https://g

原创 Ubuntu通過資源包安裝Python3.9

項目要用的python庫需要3.8以上的python,apt-get install安裝的python到不了這麼高版本,只能從資源包安裝 官網下載資源包地址: https://www.python.org/ 下載安裝包 wget https

原创 自籤SSL證書並在nginx使用

首先令生成一個.key文件,1024爲長度,-des3爲加密算法,密碼爲6位,會在下一步移除 openssl genrsa -des3 -out ssl.key 1024 移除密碼 openssl rsa -in ssl.key -out

原创 [Mac] Homebrew 常用命令

查看brew配置 brew config # 可以獲得鏡像源 ORIGIN: https://github.com/Homebrew/brew.git 查看鏡像源 # brew.git鏡像源 git -C "$(brew --repo)"


Amazon SQS offers two queue types for different application requirements: SQS can be used to: Decouple live user reques

原创 AWS CloudWatch & Inspector & Trusted Advisor & CloudTrail & Config & CloudFormation & Beanstalk

AWS CloudWatch AWS CloudWatch is a suite of monitoring tools built into one AWS service, reporting on their health and p

原创 AWS Kinesis & Glue

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams Amazon Kinesis Data Streams enables you to build custom applications that process or analyze

原创 AWS KMS & Secret Manager

AWS Key Management Service (KMS) AWS Key Management Service (KMS) is a managed service that makes it easy for you to cre

原创 Docker使用小技巧

1. 當前用戶不用sudo就可以使用docker命令 需要sudo的原因:docker daemon需要綁定到主機的Unix socket而不是普通的TCP端口,而Unix socket的屬主爲root用戶 sudo groupadd do

原创 AWS CloudWatch & CloudTrail & Config & CloudFormation

AWS CloudWatch AWS CloudWatch is a suite of monitoring tools built into one AWS service, reporting on their health and p

原创 AWS WAF & Shield & Firewall Manager

AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) AWS WAF is a cloud firewall that uses various security rules to protect web applicati

原创 AWS Route 53

ELB does not have pre-defined IPv4 addresses. You reserve to them using a DNS name. Hosted Zone A hosted zone is a conta

原创 【Python Script】將圖片轉化爲文本並輸出保存

買了一些刷題的軟件,不允許直接複製題目文本,於是想試試可不可以用腳本將軟件截圖轉化爲文本保存起來,方便整理回顧 同樣的技術也可以用來實現圖片驗證碼的識別 工具安裝 首先需要安裝Tesseract-OCR,這是一個光學字符識別工具,可以通過掃