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Trichromatic Theory: The theory that there are three types of color receptors that produce the primary color sensations

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Tolerance: A situation that occurs with continued use of a drug in which an individual requires greater dosages to achie

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Systematic Desensitization: A behavioral therapy technique in which a client is taught to prevent the arousal of anxiety

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Thalamus: The brain structure that relays sensory impulses to the cerebral cortex.丘腦:將感覺衝動傳遞到大腦皮層的大腦結構。Thematic Appercep

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Terminal button: A bulblike structure at the branched ending of an axon that contains vesicles filled with neurotransmit

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Temporal Lobe: Region of the brain found below the lateral fissure; contains auditory cortex.顳葉:位於側裂下方的大腦區域;包含聽覺皮層。Tend-

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Structuralism: The study of the structure of mind and behavior; the view that all human mental experience can be underst

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Stimulus-driven Capture: A determinant of why people select some parts of sensory input for further processing; occurs w

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Sympathetic Division: The subdivision of the autonomic nervous system that deals with emergency response and the mobiliz

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Split-half Reliability: A measure of the correlation between test takers' performance on different halves (such as odd a

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Somnambulism: A disorder that causes sleepers to leave their beds and wander while still remaining asleep; also known as

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Somatic Nervous System: The subdivision of the peripheral nervous system that connects the central nervous system to the

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Social-learning Therapy: A form of treatment in which clients observe models' desirable behaviors being reinforced.社會學習療

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Social Support: Resources, including material aid, socioemotional support, and informational aid, provided by others to

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Social Perception: The process by which a person comes to know or perceive the personal attributes.社會認知:一個人認識或感知個人屬性的過程。