原创 58、靠海居住的人似乎更幸福?(雙語科普)

People Who Live Close to the Sea Are Happier 靠海居住的人更幸福 New research suggests that people who live close to the ocean or

原创 59、爲什麼有趣的人往往也更聰明?(雙語科普)

Why Funny People Are Also More Intelligent 爲什麼有趣的人也更聰明 Albert Einstein attributed his brilliant mind to having a child-

原创 60、(雙語科普)學英語,看世界:“積極的幽默風格”

Positive humour style 積極的幽默風格 In psychology we use the term "positive humour style" to refer to(指代) people who use humo

原创 56、(雙語科普)學英語,看世界:“安德魯•卡內基1”

Andrew Carnegie 安德魯•卡內基 Andrew Carnegie was born in Scotland. His family was fairly poor.安德魯•卡內基出生於蘇格蘭。他家裏相當貧窮。They liv

原创 61、如何消除煩人的黑眼圈?(雙語科普)

How to Reduce Dark Circles Under Your Eyes 如何消除煩人的黑眼圈? Somehow, no matter how much sleep you get, you always look like

原创 54、(雙語科普)學英語,看世界:“伯恩山犬”

Bernese Mountain Dog 伯恩山犬 A modern descendant(後裔) of the Roman Molosser dog, the Berner Sennenhund, as it is known in G

原创 55、(雙語科普)學英語,看世界:“威爾士柯基”

Welsh Corgi 威爾士柯基 Cuteness could and should be measured in units of Corgi puppies, because, well, look at them.可愛度可以而且應

原创 62、(雙語科普)學英語,看世界:“朋友對我們很重要”

Friends Mean a Lot to Us 朋友對我們很重要 Most of the research on health and relationships is focused on romantic partners. But

原创 57、(雙語科普)學英語,看世界:“安德魯•卡內基2”

Andrew Carnegie 2 安德魯•卡內基 2 As Carnegie made more money, he wanted to invest his money rather than spend it. He investe

原创 360、英語小故事(中英對照)“父愛無聲”

My Dad Never Says "I Love You."There was a time when I thought my dad didn't know a thing about being a good father.我曾經一

原创 359、英語小故事(中英對照)“古董”

The Antique 古董 My six-year-old granddaughter stared at me as if she were seeing me for the first time.我六歲的孫女盯着我看,就好像她是第

原创 358、英語小故事(中英對照)“和孩子分享你的時間”

Share Your Time with Your Children 和孩子分享你的時間 Teens don't want to be seen with their parents, much less talk to them or

原创 357、英語小故事(中英對照)“白梔子花之謎”

Mystery of the White Gardenia 白梔子花之謎 Every year on my birthday, from the time I turned 12, a white gardenia(梔子花) was se

原创 356、英語小故事(中英對照)“母親”

My Dear Baby, I Love You 親愛的寶貝,我愛你 The mom had died when the rescuers found her after the terrible earthquake.在那場可怕的地震後

原创 355、英語小故事(中英對照)“金項鍊”

The Golden Chain 金項鍊 It was Christmas 1961. I was teaching in a small town in Ohio where my twenty-seven third-graders