原创 我得知

我得知他回來了。I heard of his return我得知要領補助,就得回答一些問題。I was told that in order to get benefit payments……《柯林斯高階英漢雙解學習詞典》我得知整場比賽中他

原创 snoopy史努比s01e01英語筆記

I'm very pleased to see such a good turn outwith a little luck, i think we can have a good seasontoday's spring training

原创 fire 歌詞中英Gavin DeGraw

Oh if there's one thing to be taught哦 唯有一事值得謹記 ——it's dreams are made to be caught有夢想就要奮力追逐and friends can never be boug

原创 聊天筆記

Convenience Store 便利店instant noodle 方便麪vinegar醋tilt傾斜  sloop斜坡go down hillParallelogram平行四邊形 diamondI will take that as

原创 《這就是中國》個人摘要

第一集我不認同你的觀點,世界上的政治並非只有民主和專制兩種而是隻有good goverments 和bad govermentsgood goverment 可以是西方民主制度,也可以是非西方民主制度美國人的觀點你贏我輸或者我贏你輸,中國人

原创 inclusive / through

inclusive throughIn BrE inclusive is used to emphasize that you are including the days, months, numbers, etc. mentioned,

原创 託業練習中好句記錄|英語表達

Test1 Part4-I just realized that the collins report is due this Friday morning! but i haven't started yet and I've got m

原创 宋飛傳S01E01

I can't find a decent hotel room,would it be terribly inconvenient if I stayed at your placeThis is one always been one

原创 snoopy史努比S01E02 附一小部分狗狗品種中英對照

這是一些很簡單,但是平時想表達的時候總是不知道怎麼說的句子i'm not use to physical labor 我不習慣幹體力活i'm exhausted 我累壞了I lead a very active live 我過得很充實the