原创 《麥琪的禮物》英譯漢1

One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. And sixty cents of it was in pennies. Pennies saved one and two at a ti

原创 男兒到死心如鐵!!!

我最憐君中宵舞,道"男兒到死心如鐵"!!!看試手,補天裂!!!I have the greatest respect for your practicing fencing during the midnight,saying: a man

原创 《楓橋月泊》

原创 海闊憑魚躍

原创 培根《論真理》

原创 《霍元甲》

原创 Let freedom ring!!!

And so let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New

原创 象棋殺招

原创 《霍元甲》