原创 去公共廁所

去公共廁所 Let's wait in line. 我們來排隊。 Knock on the door before going into the restroom. 進廁所前要敲門。 Don't spit. 不要隨意吐痰。 Don't dr

原创 去公園散步

Let's go for a walk. 我們去散步。 Want to go for a walk to exercise? 要去散步運動一下嗎? Let's go our to play in the park. 我們去公園玩吧。 Wan

原创 長輩生日

Your grandpa's birthday is coming up this Wednesday. 這週三是你爺爺的生日。 Let's choose a gift for Grandpa. 我們來爲爺爺選禮物吧。 What gift

原创 爸爸加班

Did Dad go to work yet? 爸爸已經去上班了嗎? He went to work because he had a lot to do. 爸爸去上班了,因爲他有很多工作要做。 He'll be back in the a

原创 叫爸爸起牀

Get up, Dad! 爸,起牀了! Open your eyes. 張開眼睛。 Daddy's too tired. 爸比太累了。 I'm going to sleep a little more. 我要多睡一會兒。 You promi

原创 去朋友家住

Mom, last time you told me that I could sleep over at Jina's house, right? 媽,上次你說今天我可以在吉娜家睡,對吧? Yes, I did. So did you g

原创 制定假期計劃

制定假期計劃 Summer break is coming up. 暑假來臨了。 How long is this vacation? 這次的假期有多久? It's 4 nights and 5 days. 五天四夜。 I think we

原创 制定週末計劃

What do you want to do this weekend? 這個週末,你想做什麼? Want to go to the water park this weekend? 這個週末,你想去水上樂園嗎? Want to go to

原创 塗抹烹飪

How do you like your toast? / What do you spread on your toast? 你要在吐司上面塗什麼? Do you want jam or butter? 你要塗果醬還是奶油? I want

原创 拿盤子

Will you get a plate for me? 你能幫我把盤子拿來嗎? We need a bigger plate. 我們需要更大的盤子。 We need a hollow plate. 我們需要較深的盤子。 Can you b

原创 煮菜

Let's boil some water. 我們來煮水。 Let's heat up the soup. 我們來熱湯 The lid is shaking. 蓋子在震動了。 There is steam coming up. 出現水蒸氣了

原创 用手機

Don‘t play with Mom's cell phone. 不要玩媽媽的手機。 There is a monthly limit. Don't use it too much. 那是每個月有限額的。不要打太多。 Use the ho

原创 鼻屎

Look at my booger, Minji. 敏基,看我的鼻屎。 Oh my! It's gross! 天呀!好惡! Get it off! 清掉它! You booger digger! 你是挖鼻屎大王! Stop picking

原创 大便

I have to poop, Mom. 媽,我要大便。 My tummy aches. I have to poop. 我肚子痛。我要去大便。 Close the door. It smells. 關上門,便便很臭。 Call Mommy

原创 有害食物

Candy will make your teeth bad. 糖果會讓你的牙齒變壞。 Too much ice cream will give you a stomachache. 喫太多冰激淋的話,你的肚子會痛的。 You should