原创 使用JPA存儲Map <String,String> - Storing a Map<String,String> using JPA

問題: I am wondering if it is possible using annotations to persist the attributes map in the following class using JPA2

原创 C語言中結構體和指針的malloc - malloc for struct and pointer in C

問題: Suppose I want to define a structure representing length of the vector and its values as:假設我想定義一個表示向量長度及其值的結構: stru

原创 How to Set/Update State of StatefulWidget from other StatefulWidget in Flutter?

問題: For Example in the below code plus button works and able to update the text but the minus button does not.例如,在下面的代

原创 如何更改外鍵引用動作? (行爲) - How to change the foreign key referential action? (behavior)

問題: I have set up a table that contains a column with a foreign key, set to ON DELETE CASCADE (delete child when paren

原创 Which HTML5 tags can I use without worrying about browser compatibility?

問題: I am building a web app for use on PCs. 我正在構建一個用於PC的Web應用程序。 What are the HTML5 tags to stay away from to prevent

原创 Tomcat - maxThreads 與 maxConnections - Tomcat - maxThreads vs maxConnections

問題: In Tomcat server.xml what is maxThreads versus maxConnections在 Tomcat server.xml什麼是maxThreads與maxConnections I und

原创 如何忽略正則表達式主題字符串中的空格? - How to ignore whitespace in a regular expression subject string?

問題: Is there a simple way to ignore the white space in a target string when searching for matches using a regular expr

原创 JPA 與 Spring JdbcTemplate [關閉] - JPA vs Spring JdbcTemplate [closed]

問題: Closed . 關閉。 This question needs to be more focused . 這個問題需要更加集中。 It is not currently accepting answers. 它目前不接

原创 javascript過濾數組多個條件 - javascript filter array multiple conditions

問題: I want to simplify an array of objects.我想簡化一組對象。 Let's assume that I have following array:讓我們假設我有以下數組: var users =

原创 Android RecyclerView 滾動性能 - Android RecyclerView Scrolling Performance

問題: I have created RecyclerView example basing on Creating Lists and Cards guide.我根據創建列表和卡片指南創建了 RecyclerView 示例。 My ad

原创 如何配置我的Android應用? [關閉] - How can I profile my Android app? [closed]

問題: I need to find where the bottlenecks are in my Android app. 我需要找到Android應用中瓶頸的位置。 What profiling tools or techni

原创 GNU 屏幕無響應,似乎被阻止 - The GNU screen is unresponsive, seems blocked

問題: GNU Screen seems to freeze. GNU Screen 似乎凍結了。 Unable to enter user input.無法輸入用戶輸入。 I was using GNU screen and when

原创 過濾包含在 EF Core 中 - Filtering on Include in EF Core

問題: I'm trying to filter on the initial query.我正在嘗試過濾初始查詢。 I have nested include leafs off a model.我在模型上嵌套了包含葉子。 I'm tr

原创 如何僅展平numpy數組的某些維度 - How to flatten only some dimensions of a numpy array

問題: Is there a quick way to "sub-flatten" or flatten only some of the first dimensions in a numpy array? 有沒有一種快速的方法來“平

原创 Using socket.io in Express 4 and express-generator's /bin/www

問題: So here is the deal: I'm trying to use socket.io in an express project.所以這就是交易:我正在嘗試在一個快速項目中使用 socket.io。 After Exp