原创 Apache Tomcat 應用程序的默認會話超時 - Default session timeout for Apache Tomcat applications

問題: What is the default session timeout for web applications deployed on Tomcat5.5? Tomcat5.5 上部署的 Web 應用程序的默認會話超時時間是多少

原创 JavaScript 中的 MAC 地址 - MAC addresses in JavaScript

問題: I know that we can get the MAC address of a user via IE (ActiveX objects).我知道我們可以通過 IE(ActiveX 對象)獲取用戶的 MAC 地址。 Is

原创 UICollectionView reloadData not functioning properly in iOS 7

問題: I've been updating my apps to run on iOS 7 which is going smoothly for the most part.我一直在更新我的應用程序以在 iOS 7 上運行,這在大多數

原创 CardView 上的透明背景 - Android - Transparent background on CardView - Android

問題: I want to do transparent background on CardView.我想在 CardView 上做透明背景。 I know backgroundColor but i have image on my

原创 如何使用JQuery獲取GET和POST變量? - how to get GET and POST variables with JQuery?

問題: How do I simply get GET and POST values with JQuery? 如何使用JQuery簡單地獲取GET和POST值? What I want to do is something li

原创 How do I search for a number in a 2d array sorted left to right and top to bottom?

問題: I was recently given this interview question and I'm curious what a good solution to it would be.我最近收到了這個面試問題,我很好奇有

原创 Why is capitalizing the first letter of a string so convoluted in Rust?

問題: I'd like to capitalize the first letter of a &str .我想將&str的第一個字母大寫。 It's a simple problem and I hope for a simple s

原创 AngularJS多重過濾器,具有自定義過濾功能 - AngularJS multiple filter with custom filter function

問題: I am trying to filter the list with multiple filters + with a custom filter function. 我試圖使用多個過濾器+使用自定義過濾器功能過濾列表。

原创 .NET Core 中沒有 AppDomains! 爲什麼? - No AppDomains in .NET Core! Why?

問題: Is there a strong reason why Microsoft chose not to support AppDomains in .NET Core? Microsoft 選擇不支持 .NET Core 中的 A

原创 尚不支持類變量 - Class variables not yet supported

問題: I begin my project with a split view controller as initial view controller and start it automatically from storybo

原创 如何啓用Ad Hoc Distributed Queries - How to enable Ad Hoc Distributed Queries

問題: When I run a query with OPENROWSET in SQL Server 2000 it works. 當我在SQL Server 2000中使用OPENROWSET運行查詢時,它可以工作。 But

原创 使用Sublime文本刪除/添加特定字符串後的換行符 - Remove/Add Line Breaks after Specific String using Sublime Text

問題: Using Sublime Text 2 - Is it possible to insert a line break /text return after a specific String in a text file e

原创 What is the difference between scan and query in dynamodb? When use scan / query?

問題: A query operation as specified in DynamoDb documentation: DynamoDb 文檔中指定的查詢操作: A query operation searches only pr

原创 post方法究竟做了什麼? - What exactly does the post method do?

問題: I've encountered a very weird feature. 我遇到了一個非常奇怪的功能。 When I'm trying to run an animation on the main thread, it

原创 Why does Visual Studio tell me that the AddJsonFile() method is not defined?

問題: I'm developing an ASP.NET 5 WebAPI project using VS Ultimate 2015 Preview.我正在使用 VS Ultimate 2015 Preview 開發一個 ASP.N